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04-01-2005, 11:51 PM
The Hoosier Tires will be available at the track April 2nd & 3rd.
They are $103.20 each.

rns motorsports
04-02-2005, 11:18 AM
Those tires cost JYD about $64.20 each, got to keep his percentage even. Don't forget sales tax at about $8.95 per tire, so the Grands are losing before they even buy gas at about $48.00 for five gallons :help: :lol: :rolleyes: :cool: :wave: :applause:

04-02-2005, 05:15 PM
Does that include mounting and balancing, too?? :)

04-02-2005, 05:41 PM
What's the life expectancy of the Hoosier tires that the BBs and the Grands are using this season? Is there a way to tell when they are all used up? I'm concerned about the amount of heat cycles that used tires have gone through. Are Grand drivers leaning towards buying fresh tires or keeping it cost effective with used tires? 100+ dollars for an Enduro tire is quite expensive in my book!!!!!!!!!

04-02-2005, 06:23 PM
Last season, they let guys in the Grand Enduro races with stock cars. One guy's "stock" caused 2 of my buddies (grand) major damage. He dragged his stock box to the junkyard and my buddies went for a lot of money to repair the damage that was caused by a guy who should have never been out there. He had an inferior car, not enough experience and had nothing invested in his car. Those of us running these tires should stop that.

04-02-2005, 09:34 PM
The easy way to stop that was to never agree to the tire rule. Guys who run on 14" tires will have to buy new. [from guess who] $105.00 a pop is way too much for a guy on a limited budget to compete. Should have pushed for the B.F.Goodrich tire, that would at least handle on a wet track. And you would have the FREEDOM to shop around.

04-03-2005, 10:08 AM
I was under the assumption you guys were trying to increase your car counts (and purse) in the Grand division. Although I realize it costs more to set up your grand cars, $420 for tires is a bit much for an enduro division, don't ya think? I just think you guys are going to lose a few who already run with you, and really have a hard time adding new blood. Just my opinion. :) :)

04-03-2005, 03:25 PM
I was thinking that the Grands would be turning lap times similar to the BB's by simply switching to a sixty series tire. If there is any question as to what tires would be legal with their plys, then the drivers should decide on one tire make and manufacturer that is both affordable and racey. How locked into the Hoosier deal is this division?

04-03-2005, 06:11 PM
This is what I said months ago. Settle on the B.F.Goodrich tire the Legends were using. You can get them anywhere, shop around for your best price, and you would get almost the whole season out of them. And they come in 14" and 15" sizes.

04-03-2005, 07:57 PM
I'm sure the tire rule's a done deal already. It's in black & white, and the first race is a less then a month away.

04-03-2005, 08:36 PM
For me, it's about racing. I would much rather have a smaller car count in the Grands (less contact). And if it was about the money- I don't think anybody would be racing Grands. Between the tires, parts, gas, fluids, safety equipment and TIME, even if you won the thousand dollar prize- you'ld still be a loser. I'm not totally happy about the tire rule, but - it's a rule.

04-03-2005, 08:38 PM
Yeah, but a rule is supposed to make the division more fair. Not to put money in someones pocket.

04-03-2005, 09:12 PM
Although I don't totally agree with the Hoosier tire rule, it is a rule, and we gotta go by it..just remember one thing, times change and so do the rules..if ya look at the Charger cars 10-15 years ago, they look like blunderbust cars...all I guess what I'm tryin' to say is this is like a stepping stone for Enduro's. :rolleyes:

04-04-2005, 12:27 PM
The tire rule is here for the moment. It got beat around on here last year a lot and probably isn't going anywhere soon. How long they last depends on how you drive them. Without getting too deep here, the guys in BB that bought only a few tires last year would be the ones to talk to about what seems to work with them. Guys that bought bunches of them, IMO, missed the "setup" and won't be able to help.

And rns motorsports, $48.00 for gas?? If it won't run (and run well) on pump gas something is very wrong. Octane is not the answer to tuning troubles. If you are having pre-ignition woes or it is "breaking up", you need to look at your ignition system. PM or email me for specifics.

04-10-2005, 12:28 PM
I read the posts about not minding the smaller car counts because of less contact, and not minding the money aspect for good racing. If that's the case....here's a suggestion....get a sponsor or two and run a blunderbust in a regular division. You guys are almost there already, why not just go BB racing and stop calling the grands an Enduro race. Either that, or see if you can institute a new Sat. night division, like a street stock or something similar.

04-10-2005, 10:05 PM
PT4 maybe you could be my sponsor?
The whole idea of enduros is to "keep it cheap''.
The cheaper it costs, the more fun I have.
The BB div.runs 4 times more/year
4 times more fuel
4 times more tires
4 times the pit passes.
I tried the BB once.
4 times less fun.

Rich Johnson
04-10-2005, 11:18 PM
Right on Bonestock.
Time spent working on a car factors in, too...
Sometimes, I don't work on my car for a couple of weeks in a row.
I just bought a bunch of tires and rims from a "BlunderBuddy" for A Lot less than new ones...
I use $20 worth of gas...That includes my tow rig..


04-11-2005, 10:17 AM
rns motorsports, I got your pm. You have your pm's turned off, so I'll apologize here. I misread your original post, and as usual, went off the deep end. The Cam 2 tune up is a pet peeve of mine. And I agree regarding the cost.


Rich Johnson
04-11-2005, 09:21 PM
I like to mix 75% pump and 25% Avaition gas or Cam2 somewhat for detonation resistance, but mostly for the smell...
I think RNS entered $48 instead of $28...He raced for a lot of years, and spent big bucks on tires and fuel, until I guess he had enough..
