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View Full Version : Greetings From FT BLISS

04-18-2005, 10:21 PM
Yo all
90 degrees and sand blowing down here. I'm all dried out now. they only get 2 in. of rain here a year. so not many rain-outs. They had a 200 lap enduro at a track close to here but i could not get there, bummer. Well can't wait to get back home. on one of those mall type puters, just had to say Hi.
Later Pappy

04-19-2005, 06:50 PM
Geez Paps...no way to have a NEETS deal down there with only 2" of rain per year. If there was a NEETS event there...all 2" would fall on that day.
See ya when ya get back...I'll just look for the raisin w/ a #2 on it, :-|

(Formula for instant Pappywrench...2 cups pappy powder, 2 cups Penna. rain water, stir briskly until batter becomes heavy. Pour in racing seat, top with helmet garnish, sprinkle with tire rubber.
Serve on an asphalt plate with a side of steel guardrail.
1 gallon of Cam2 for refreshment.
Etiquette tip- May serve guests with clutch fork or chinese style with push rod chop stix.

(When mixture begins to smoke....serve to fans immediately)