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Wheel Racing
04-24-2005, 11:43 AM
:mad: :mad:
Please explain to me why the Hendrick "Golden Boy" gets away with this type of action week in and week out. Everybody praises his Top 10 streak, but never takes into consideration the amount of wrecked cars left behind due to his "Efforts" to get "thru" to the front. I seem to remember Mr Johnson calling for Harvicks firing at Daytona, but it seems to me that he should be looked at a little harder. Hendrick hasn't had a dirty, crybaby on the staff since Geoff Bodine in the Levi Garret car, but Johnson is getting close. If Nascar is not going to fine or suspend him, then at least lets start with a drug test. Maybe his hormone pills are altering his judgement.

Jeff T
04-24-2005, 07:54 PM
Unfortunately, Jimmie Johnson has that "Golly Gee, Who me cause trouble?" persona that NASCAR loves. He keeps all the sponsors happy, he tells the press and NASCAR what they want to hear, and he knows who to push around on the track because of their past history with NASCAR ("Smoke" and Havock in particular). I'm sure Jeff Burton has got a "Pay Back" with JJ's name on it, but he's just waiting for when it will count the most (like the final 10 races!).
Just my opinion.

04-24-2005, 08:02 PM
If you noticed, JJ came down on JR. and JR. paid him back with a little massage which got JJ loose........ 2 laps later, JJ was still mad and started pushing his way thru.... hahaha probably whining the whole way..."how dare he do that to me". He's starting to sound like Rusty.... :)

Mortgage Guy
04-24-2005, 09:02 PM
Wheel, now I am the first guy to blame JJ, he drives me crazy...He should be wearing a Tu Tu out there he is so ridiculous...That being said, did you read NASCAR.com today with what he said your boy was doing to him on the race track??? Flipping the bird and chopping....I wouldn't put that past Mr. Stewart, but I also wouldn't put it past Jimmie Johnson to be making the whole thing up, but it did make for an interesting spin on the whole story....Bottom line, that AS$, caused a wreck that took out Ken Schrader who was running a great race up until that point and that sucks...He could have really used a good finish last night.

Wheel Racing
04-24-2005, 09:43 PM
Finally!! Mortgage Guy agrees with me. Sure I am biased to Stewart, but JJ's act is really getting old. Enough is enough. Even if Stewart was giving him the old bird, was that reason to wreck him??? Did Jeff Burton flip him off last week??? JJ really got to me when he tried getting Harvick fired with his mouth , but who has been involved in more controversy this year??? Harvick? Nope!Stewart? Nope. That's right Mr Johnson himself.

04-24-2005, 10:38 PM
Lol, I'm probably going to get a lot of heat for this, but I happen to like Jimmie Johnson and the way he drives!

Jeff T
04-25-2005, 12:46 AM
Nah..don't worry about being a JJ fan. Everybody needs to have fans, even Biffle! (LoL)

04-25-2005, 05:26 AM
Mr Johnson is gaining a vast number of fans on the track as of late. Wait until he tries that with someone who won't put up with on the track and it'll be "right turn Clyde". :mad:

04-25-2005, 11:58 AM
Let me step up to say I am a Speed Eater fan.