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View Full Version : Track tire prices & Assorted - Modifieds

04-27-2005, 03:53 PM
I would like to know the costs to possibly begin running at Mountain Speedway. What are the track tires and their associated cost? Entry fees and any incidental costs, such as transponder rental, that a team can expect when running at Mountain Speedway.


04-28-2005, 08:49 AM
But thanks for the insight....

04-28-2005, 09:22 AM
Nah 25, you asked a very good question...

04-28-2005, 04:45 PM
I understand that new drivers will not be required to have a license and will pay a $35.00 fee each and every week they enter the speedway. As far as the transponders are concerned....There is a $10.00 rental each week. If you have your own it is $5.00 a week to use it at the track. Price of tires I could not help you with. I have never purchased a set of modified tires.

Good luck and hope this helps.

04-28-2005, 06:02 PM
Team 25...I'm sorry I didn't see your post earlier...I've been at a few meetings last couple of nights. Looks like a warzone in this thread.
You have a choice to buy a $75 pit pass and spend $25 a week to get in the pits or if you plan on being a part timer, I have dropped the mandatory pit pass fee and pay $35 admission. We have computerized transponder scoring which we rent the units for $10 per night. If you have your own, the fee is $5.
Mod tires run around $120/130....but the good thing is we run the Hoosier 1320s and 1330s which last a few weeks rather than buying them each week as in the 20s and 30s. There are no registration fees. We have one of the best Modified purses around the Northeast.
If you have any more questions...shoot me an e-mail. billyb@neetstour.net

04-29-2005, 09:18 AM
I figured you were a bit busy in your new position Billy, so I thought this post would have gotten me a quick answer. I thought wrong..I should have emailed you directly! I appreciate your response and congratulations. If your NEETS series is any indication of your abilities, Mountain Speedway is on the comeback trail! I only know you from NEETS, so I have limited knowledge :D but NEETS has been fun when we can play!

Thanks to JustRacin for their post as well.

As for a war zone, nah, just some typical misunderstandings. JA did the moderator thing and cleaned up the posts but nothing bad was actually said. W. Johnston used some capitalization and colorization to emphasize a point that I needed to be more specific, which just had me shaking my head wondering what I did to deserve that kind of response. I assumed since I was in the Modified section my questions were Modified in nature. Now if he capped and colored in the General Forum I'd have deserved the "yo dumbass" response :lol: I accept your apologies W. Johnston, even though it wasn't that big a deal, but as stated above, it had me wondering what I did :confused: (can ya tell i like the smileys?) And I also apologize for my knee jerk reaction to your post.

With this information we can plan to run Mountain in the near future, budgeting as all racers should, and making new friends and competitors.

Thanks to all, and when ya see the yellow and purple #25 in the pits, stop by and say hi. :wave:

Team 25

ps. Miss Cindy..you're the best!