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View Full Version : Thank God- Wayne Anderson -ok

05-29-2005, 09:51 AM
After looking at Wayne's car, and knowing the structure and how the cars are built, the amount of damage that appears on the car does NO justice for the severity and impact which Wayne took on the left side. Thank God he said he feels ok?? Wayne Anderson, another LONG ISLAND RACING LEGEND. See ya next week at the tour show, #15 Modified.

05-29-2005, 01:17 PM
Yes......thank God, he should be fine. He did complain of a momentary sight condition, and I'm certain he's sore this day after. But today's his wedding anniversary and there's NO WAY I'm calling and asking, especially since Joette delayed travel plans to celebrate.


What caused Eddie III to punt him into the wall like that?

I'm truly hoping this is simply just driving error from an overly exuberant twenty something. He's a real good kid. He's from an excellent family. I simply wish we had an acknowledgement of no harm meant last night after this very scary incident. Perhaps it came very late, but I did not see it.

Being a local farmer (with large time constraints), my sponsorship of Wayne has kept him at Riverhead and off the tour for at least this past 2 seasons. Sometimes I wonder why.

Drivers make mistakes. Men own up to them and move forward with respect and their heads held high.

Douglas Corwin

05-29-2005, 09:49 PM
From my view point it looked like Wayne got loose and Eddie tried to go under him. Glad Wayne is ok, but it looked like a racing accident to me.

05-29-2005, 10:36 PM
Wayne has always been one of my favorites, glad he's Okay. He's a hell of a driver, and a gentleman, too. :cool:

Wheel Racing
05-30-2005, 10:51 AM
From my view point it looked like Wayne got loose and Eddie tried to go under him. Glad Wayne is ok, but it looked like a racing accident to me.

I 100% agree. It happened too fast for Eddie to have done that on purpose. Unfortunate racing accident

05-30-2005, 09:46 PM
It looked like eddie tapped the rear once which made wayne get in the aim for the wall and as eddie was comming thru it just accelerated waye into the wall, I think it was the second contact which did wayne in. But it all fairness Its Racing in the big boys league on a small track.? Have a Nice Day