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06-09-2005, 10:11 AM
For all the naysayers and folks who think otherwise, here's something in print:


I don't want anything else posted to this thread stating the contradictory... If you got proof, then that's one thing, but sheer rumor can kill... Remember that...

If this thread is going to turn into a rumor mill. I'll close it down right away.

Ok... Read on!

06-09-2005, 11:17 AM
I have a question?

Is this person writing a "dime" store novel or is this a news story? :lol:
Sorry, but the story "smacks" of media sensationalism. :D

Found it really funny that the writer is using MY last name as his "nom de plume" :eek:

06-09-2005, 11:38 AM
Ambrose Clancy is actually a real reporter and has reported on several stories for the News Review and associated papers.

06-09-2005, 01:37 PM
Really, just thought his "flair" for writing was funny. Good article and solid information to live by, for now.
As for that ole' track...
For as long as I have been alive, there have always been rumors that the "Head" had met it's demise. Whether it be the Town, development, that meaningless little trailer park, etc...One thing has always remained constant...
My prediction...
My boys will certainly see racing at the "Head". Now, we have to travel 1600 miles to get there, but I'm hoping we get to make a quick trip up next summer. Honestly, I believe they will always be there :applause:

LONG LIVE THE "HEAD" and The Chief! :applause:

06-09-2005, 02:13 PM
So, if it is not for sale, or sold, then why was a title report run on the property? It was insured, so that usually means a sale is pending. If you are running title to transfer from one name to another, you don't usually insure it for quite a few million dollars.
Also, why are Riverhead Town Hall employees (people who work in building and zoning who see the paperwork going in and out the door) telling me its time to sell both of Kenny's modifieds and my charger, because in 2 years it will all be gone? Just a thought, and I know for a fact about the title report, it is not a rumor. So please, can we just have the truth, no smoke screens?

W. Johnston
06-09-2005, 02:35 PM
This is the TRUTH as we know it. If you know otherwise, maybe you can get a copy of the title search. It would be informative to all to have a definite answer. I suspect the people who advised you to sell your cars know about as much as any of us do about this.
It would be sad, if true, but we have to believe that Riverhead will be there for all race drivers and fans for the near future. Outside of that, nothing is ever chiseled in stone with these things. We've all been blind sided before, with both Islip and Freeport.
We now need to root for two things: The Cromarties and Riverhead, and Topgun's proposal. Insurance is the best weapon.
Finally, like JA said, let's not get wild quoting unnamed sources of rumors, let's just deal with the facts we have. :wave:

06-09-2005, 03:50 PM
I'd personally love to have Riverhead around . But, as much as I HATE the thought, if and when they ever do open Yaphank facility, does anyone actually think Riverhead can compete with them? I mean, with an alleged state Of the art racetrack facility, with all the stuff they're mentioning, how can Riverhead possibly stay in business? The best part is that if and when they ever open it, it will be in approx. 3-5 years 'allegedly'.

06-09-2005, 03:54 PM
I have no clue as to what may or may not happen to the track.. But my opinion is, if they knew, they may not tell anyone for fear that some drivers may pull out early, or stop spending $$..

I would hope in good heart, that if something were going to happen, they would at least be honest about it. All anyone can do is trust them.. ( :lol: )

But I too, been going to the track 30+ years, and for the last 20 at least, have been hearing sale rumors.. So far, were still here..

06-09-2005, 03:54 PM
Well, you've got to remember racing #'s, state of the art does not make it a racetrack, it makes it an expensive circle. Just like with a home, the most expensive building is not a home, it's just that... a building...

Example made... Chemung and Tioga... When they went head-to-head, Chemung was state of the art, supposedly. However, Tioga got the car count and fans because it was better run.

The key to Yaphank's success is management. All the bells and whistles will not make your track float. Tracks which have had a lot invested in it have nearly collapsed, these include but not limited to: Adirondack, Chemung, Lake Erie, and Wall.

06-09-2005, 04:21 PM
I did not post the above to start any rumors or start any crap. I just would like to know what is going on. We have a lot of money into those two modifieds and some into the charger. I have heard these rumors for I can't even remember how many years and they never panned out. But, when a Riverhead Town elected official tells me to put for sale signs on all my stuff because they have seen all of the paper work (what paper work, I don't know, maybe plans or specs). I can understand that they would lose some racers, if it indeed was announced, but I just hope it isn't true and we continue to keep the track alive. Let's just hope it isn't so!!!

06-09-2005, 04:51 PM
As long as the racing community remains strong and loyal to the Riverhead cause, we can keep it alive... Remember that! There's legal ways to get around things, and we've got quite a few lawyers involved in the racing community.

As far as the elected Riverhead town official. I am wondering whom and would he be willing to put his name on the line to back up his claims? So far, I have seen nothing but shadows purporting this idea.

06-09-2005, 05:48 PM
guys its all rumors about the track being sold or about to be. like i told j.a i will try to give you guys the same info i got.but don't wanna get into any legal trouble getting it.

p.s debbie i see you on saturday and i'll explain to you

06-09-2005, 05:54 PM
I, for one, am wholehearteldy behind Riverhead being around for a long time to come (where else can I get my "golden brown Riverhead french fries"?)(LOL). But, as someone so eloquently stated in a prior post, there is no way it can compete with a "state of the art" facility. Sad thing is, I see each and every week, empty seats in the stands (either that or they are fans dressed as empty seats), so why all this big "Hulabaloo" about the "facility" in Yaphank. If "our" track is having problems with making big money (with the present economy the way it is), how is a state of the art concept gonna fly?State of the art=more money to participate. Another thing to consider. Do you think that the folks that have just built/bought those nice condo's over there going to allow this track to start? I don't see that happening. Personally, IO bet the Boston Red Sox will win another World Series before Yaphank ever sees any sort of a facility. I say let's stay loyal to what we "do" have and show our support, not for some "wet" dream, but for something we know is there. :wave:

06-09-2005, 08:01 PM
JA, you and Walter must live in fantasy land. Do you really think the Cromartys are going to tell anyone the track is for sale? Money makes things happen, and if you think a couple of local short trackers are going to stop a big corp. from moving in, you're crazy. Once the Cromartys feel the land is more valuable than the money coming in the back gate, it's gone. I'm all for the track being around forever, but let's face some facts. The main grandstands are empty and the property value must have quadrupled in the last five years. No one wants to see it go, but things will happen whether we like it or not.

06-09-2005, 08:03 PM
You're thinking isn't incorrect (logically thinking, from a business standpoint you are right), BUT... False rumors do not help a track... It only hurts it. Remember that... And only the Cromarties know the situation. If we have a strong racing community behind the track, it will stay, always remember that.

W. Johnston
06-09-2005, 10:20 PM
Oldschool, I have moved out of Fantasyland and into Tomorrowland. There, I see Riverhead lasting for quite some time, based on information I was told from a very reliable source. Could I have been misled? Anything is possible, but I doubt the person who I spoke with had any reason to not believe what they were telling me. Basically, it is that Riverhead Raceway will remain a racetrack in spite of any surrounding development.
Don't get the impression that I take everything I hear and believe it to be true, as that is not the case. I know, and so do many others, that if someone were to offer an obscenely unbeleivable price for the land, that it would be something else in less than a year after that happens. I would hope that the money gained would be used to build elsewhere, but that is only an outside possibility. But remember this: there are people involved in this that are there for today's profit and love of the sport, and don't necessarily have to 'take the money and run'. They love auto racing enough to stand pat, hold onto their investment, and keep us racing.
The empty stands are a sad reminder of where this sport has gone. Many people remark when I mention my involvement in Riverhead's racing that they didn't know that any type of auto racing existed on Long Island anymore. It is up to each and every one of us to change that, for our own benefit. It is not about whether you agree with the policies of track owners or managers, but whether you want to do everytihng you can to protect the last place we have left to race that is within a reasonable traveling distance of home. It's one thing to travel a few weekends to other venues, it's quite another to NOT have a choice in the matter.
So, talk it up among people you know who have the slightest interest, and maybe it will help turn this around. It may sound weird, but if the track would sell the frontage of the track property to the fans, we the fans would have the final say. No one in their right mind is going to even bid on a piece of property with no frontage. Any suggestions where we can place the donation can to collect the money and save our track??? :confused:

06-10-2005, 05:27 AM
Sold or not; the Cromartys drove that track right into the ground anyhow with p!ss poor management and no desirability to entertain anyone except their bank account.

If it's sold, than I hope whoever owns it paves the entrance and parking lot of whatever they will build. If it's not that, good job with the publicity stunt to get free press in the media.

It's early and I'm tired. :D

06-10-2005, 08:39 AM
Sometimes you must learn to appreciate what you have!!!!

06-10-2005, 09:29 AM
It could be listed as a histroic place?Then we would have a fighting chance

06-10-2005, 10:15 AM
You are right on the money Mr. Mayor! Can anyone think of another place on that part of the Island that has meant more to so many genrations of families and friends?
It's a shame the township has NEVER seen the bigger picture of what a place like the "Head" could do for the local economy. Location they have ALWAYS had! Support from the local govt., development, and marketing remain non-existent. :disgusted
I'll still take this all for what it is...

She'll be there forever :applause:

06-10-2005, 11:48 AM
WJ, Who is your reliable source? You don't seem to think anyone else has reliable sources, so why should I believe you now.

06-10-2005, 12:07 PM
PERSONAL OPINION: NO ONE should post anything without the physical fact or name of person stating things. I have also heard from reliable people, many as a matter of fact, but am not posting what I heard as it's HEAR SAY!!!!!

Denniston announcement @ Drivers Meeting : FACT RELIABLE SOURCE
News Review, FACT from a local paper with Cromarty's quotes

NOTE: It is not that I do not believe any statements above nor am I calling anyone a liar as I am sure that all are telling as they have heard and/or seen. But please understand that it should be physically backed up to post.

As of now, THIS IS ALL THAT IS FACTUAL till a name or physical paper is shown, PERIOD!!!!