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View Full Version : DQ'd Racers

Busted Knuckles
06-21-2005, 01:09 PM
I was just wondering how drivers that finished behind racers that got DQ'd in front of them are reflected? To my understanding, there were one or two in the 4 cyl., one that I know of in the Late Models, and two in the Mods. So here is my question. If we finished 6th, and one car in the top five gets a good ol spanking on the scales, does that move us up a spot? Do we get fifth place points and $$$? Usually, we do not find out that a car(s) got DQ'd until after reading the standings on the web. If a situation puts a car in the Top Five, will Tech come and let us know, because at that point, our car should also have to be tech'd, being we finished in the Top 5. Who knows, maybe we're not legal and we just robbed the driver behind us of a Top 5.
If someone can clarify this for me, I could sleep like a baby for the next few nights, waking up every two hrs. crying!!!! :*-( :*-( :*-(

06-21-2005, 05:59 PM
DQs are known at the tech area and they inform the next drivers they are to be teched....then that info is relayed to the secretary for payout and handicapper where she will award the points accordingly.

06-21-2005, 10:22 PM
can't beleive that jerry got dq`ed for running a tire that he bought at the track (i do understand that they had a certain amount of time to finish with the old ones) but you allow the 37 to run and take all the track money. we all know he has racing experience but (where is this pro stock car you said at the meeting he was bringing down in a couple of weeks??) say you put it to a vote (not a talk like before) with ALL the late model drivers/owners and if it's not a vote he can't run that car until he makes it legal! (you did it to with the truck) all he is doing is muscling his way to the front and he did cause a few incidents on friday! don't even think any more cars from wherever he is from are coming (all he did is blow smoke up your butt!) there were also some promises made from to that never came about either!!! ( you know what they are!!) and as far as the thrillers are concerned, you did try to curb the rough riding, but more has to be done (it's not an enduro!!!)
we need more talking on the radio and warnings while we are racing for using the bumper to much! ETC. if this is the future , :help: good luck to the late models thanx for listening!!!

06-21-2005, 11:57 PM
I just wanted to let you all know what actually happens when a car is DQ'd as far as points/handicapping goes. (and also payout) After the race, we will not pay out the division or write the checks until the call is made by tech that all cars were okay and passed tech. That is why there is a delay after your race is over before payout is complete, we are waiting for the call from tech. So, for example, if the winner gets DQ'd, and you finished the race in sixth spot, you will be paid for 5th place. As far as points and handicapping goes, if the driver is DQ'd for the night after the feature race, he is NOT awarded ANY points for that evening, not even heat points. So the same example as above, if the winner is DQ'd, you get 5th place points. And for handicapping, the car that was DQ'd is given credit for a heat and a feature win (110 Max. handicapping points). If anyone ever has any questions concerning how handicapping is done, please come over and ask me to explain it to you. I have all of the paperwork with me every week, and you are welcome to see it. I don't want any driver to think that they are being jipped out of positions on starts, or to think that a certain driver is ALWAYS starting up front, someone must be pulling strings...that is not the case at all. As far as handicapping goes, it is being done fairly, I can promise you that. And if I ever do happen to make a mistake, I can promise you that it was an honest one, and that I will find a way to correct it. Have a good week everyone! See you Friday! Erica :wave:

Busted Knuckles
06-22-2005, 09:01 AM
Thanks Billy & Erica for the explanation. Not trying to change the operation but would it be easier to have the Top 7 cars go to tech after the Feature? Tech the Top 5 and if by chance one or two cars fail, the prospective finishers are already there. If the Top 5 turn out O.K., back to the trailers sixth & seventh go. Just MY2CENTS