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View Full Version : Hmiel hit hard

06-22-2005, 07:11 PM
Driver Shane Hmiel's suspended until at least 2007.WOW! NASCAR is making a statement.

06-23-2005, 10:35 AM
Wonder how many drivers Riverhead would still have if NASCAR ran a Drug Tests? I wish they would! :wave:

06-23-2005, 06:41 PM
Like I said before
Everyone is saying a no tolerance rule, but what if Riverhead put in mandatory drug testing for its drivers? Would you all be saying the same thing? One rule should be for all divisions, not just the elite. Also, why is it ok to be a fall down drunk, just not use drugs? This is coming from someone who uses neither. I pray for Shane, not that I liked his antics on the track lately, but was rooting for him. Kind of reminds me of a local driver whose got it all in place to get to the top, but can't get their life in order.
hope he uses his time wisely