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07-03-2005, 11:54 PM
Well I actually made it out to the enduro early today! Figure that one out....Ah yes, Geno, THANKS...."Bling bling, make sure you wave so you can get a t-shirt from Bobby" haha..."that might not be a good idea..Bobby might get tackled"...tee hee hee...Thanks for remembering me, but I was at the other end of the stands when you said that....My intentions were to go home get my stuff and return to the track. Visitors and drinking prohibited that tonight :*-( :*-( :*-( They snagged my keys and proceeded to block me in with 2 vehicles...grrrrrrrr... I guess a smart move, since after all I am in no condition to drive, but dammit to all bloody heck, I wanted to party with the Neets group. A disagreement with my best friend added fuel to the fire, and that is why I am sitting here amongst my home this evening, instead of partying with all you fun people. One day soon....we shall all party together...*thinking of throwing a house party, one of these non-enduro race weekends....* so if you all respond with e-mail addresses, I shall set something up...sound like a deal???

Congrats to all that raced today...I enjoyed it SOOOOOO much...even if I did burn sinfully....

07-04-2005, 09:01 PM
Bling...ya missed a good party. (I ain't sayin' nutin' to nobody, hehe). You'll have ta see the pics if they weren't (Xed) out. :rolleyes:

07-04-2005, 09:11 PM
Yeah...I figured as much. Should have just stayed at the track and thought of myself..being kind gets you no where... :*-( So much for being the nice guy and letting people walk all over me....

07-04-2005, 10:15 PM
Hmmmm...that's a toss up Bling. You may of gotten into more trouble at the NEETS fling.....it got pretty- uh (festive?).
I even tried my driving skills again in the ("Big Wheel Enduro in Boxer Shorts). Apparantly my Spongebobs allowed my "weight" to shift to the right going around the corner and caused me to flip. They should of DQed the winner (he had on "Tighty Whitey's) and was more aero-dynamic.
The "moon" ride was a sight that I am trying to wipe from my memory banks....there were things I saw that should not be seen with the naked eye. Did you ever see a set of tonsils from the back side?
It's a wonder how 30/40/50 year olds can act more like kids....than the kids. But I would not trade any one of them for the world. We are a tight knit family that welcomes all that just want to have fun. In NEETS, there are no boundry lines, no clicks, who you are, where you're from, or how much money you have....you are just one of the gang. :applause:

07-04-2005, 10:39 PM
Yeah some of the pics are X rated. :lol: :D

07-04-2005, 11:42 PM
Hopefully soon I can be part of you's guy's family. My luck is just bad. I have my schedule all marked up with Neets events just so I don't miss them. The past couple of times I actually went by myself, just because I enjoy it so much. The only problem I run into sometimes is that when I make my way to the pits, I have no idea who anyone is and you usually are up in that building, and I am not climbing up that thing...my luck, I would fall and make a complete a$$ out of myself...haha...as if I haven't already done that so far...maybe for the July 31 event I will come extra, extra, extra early...track you down and let you intro me to all that I should know...sound like a deal? I will PM you the cell # so you can have someone blow up my phone to gather my location....

07-05-2005, 01:53 AM
No drinking and driving. :-B

07-05-2005, 03:46 PM
:applause: :rolleyes: :applause: hey Billy sorry about the tonsils. Maybe next time I'll paint them up as a double checker and stand up at the start finish line! :lol: :lol: :lol: But, all in all, thanx for a great time. Well worth the trip.