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07-14-2005, 05:17 PM
Why do we got to bust my balls all the time? :disgusted

07-14-2005, 07:45 PM
Correction, He busts everyones balls not just * and we all have learned to deal with it lol .

* Jim, go back and read my post about spelling and non-words AGAIN! WJ

07-14-2005, 08:23 PM
I see. :lol:

W. Johnston
07-14-2005, 09:03 PM
You've been told, privately, what's expected of you, and you now go 'public' with this question? You are on probation, forever, for being disrespectful to people who were respectful to you. You lied to my boss, and told him you'd apologized to me, and you never have. Now, it's too late. Now, you want to get into this further? Keep up with what you're doing, and you will be 'outside, looking in' forever, very, very soon.
There you go, a PUBLIC warning, with lots and lots of witnesses, apparently, exactly what you wanted. What was that old phrase again...Oh yeah, "Be careful what you wish for, you just MIGHT get it!"
I'll be watching very carefully, WShultz. :wave:

One other thing. This is NOT a joke, and has been moved out of the Jam Jokes section to General Info

07-14-2005, 09:28 PM
WJ, on a different note. Aren't we supposed to have registered our real 'FULL' names for LI Jam forum? Hint Hint

W. Johnston
07-14-2005, 10:01 PM
VERY TRUE. But, he is only suspended temporarily, for like 3 days, until HE corrects the problem, which I'm sure he will. I'd send him an email, but he complained the last time we did that, something about him being on the home computer too much. :lol:
Thanks for the heads up, Buddy!

The Bullfather
07-14-2005, 11:23 PM
Monitor the site!!!! Your making the board less and less enjoyable to come to when you act like your the big gun! Your the sheriff, it's cool. But, your job isn't to correct spelling, I've never been to a message board where the person who checks and watches every post, corrects spelling and then tires (tries)to make the person look bad!!! Your job is suppose (supposed) to be about keeping everyone in line that's out of line and for uncalled circumstances.

Enough with the gaint (giant) red corrections and enough of delating (deleting) words! You need to rethink what your (you're) doing to this board!

It's 11:23 p.m. I had a long day, goodnight. :-|

Old Man
07-15-2005, 12:42 AM
Wj is the editor,moderator and because some people can't write in here like they are still in grade school by misspelling words and using nonwords then he has to be the sheriff too. And it is always the same people that have to be corrected time after time. Misspelling words is cute when you are 2-4 years old and trying to learn but when you are supposed to be an adult it's not cute and it makes it a lot harder to come on this site than the sheriff correcting them. Keep up the good work Sheriff :wave: :wave: :wave:

07-15-2005, 02:22 AM
I agree with Bullfather. I have been a member since 2003 to the jam and if you were able to read my past posts, you would see that big daddy has been on my *** about spelling, that's not what a forum is about unless your that bored or you always wanted to be a teacher. keep the board safe from garbage, not misspelled words. I have never in my 20 years of surfing the web seen a forum correct a misspelled word ROFLMAO. correcting misspelled words WHO CARES most people know who I am by now and I could care less what they think about my spelling if you cant read my post because a few words are misspelled its not my problem or yours! if you want to cater to the few who do care then, do as I said in the past make it a member fee forum. oops not a good idea as membership would decrease and.......point being let the forum run its course. misspelled words DO NOT represent the JAM, so you don't need to protect anyone from seeing a word that someone misspelled. If my misspelled words are causing the Jam forum to crash because it doesn't understand what I'm typing, then by all means delete my post. As far as poor spellers representing a company, I own a successful limousine company, only had 12 years of schooling, didn't get where I am today from spelling, I got it from hard work. I never lost a client because I misspelled a word and because of my hard work, now my secretary takes care of the spelling. This is a forum we are typing in, not a contract. I guess I could have her type my post for me. HMMM, Nah I'd rather not post.

W. Johnston
07-15-2005, 09:58 AM
Interesting comments, Michael, but you missed the point. If people keep reading the MISSPELLED words over and over again, they will begin to think that the spelling is correct, and follow along with the same mistakes. Frustrated teacher? Not by a long shot. Disgusted by what some teacher's have apparently turned loose on society, you betcha! As far as Bullfather's rant about big red corrections, no one gets those initially, only after they ignore the corrections that are not in red, just capitalized, and keep making the same mistakes over and over and over and over again, but that's only the bullfather and a few others. If it's less fun for you, why not try to improve, or just move on to a place where everyone will accept the fact that you've proven, repeatedly, that you learned nothing from your mistakes.
One more thing, Michael, I, too, have only 12 years of education, but look what I did with mine!

I reiterate one more time for those who've missed it in the past. A moment reading back what you've written before you hit "Submit Reply", will let you pick up your own mistakes. Have a nice day, all. :)

Mike Fields
07-15-2005, 10:14 AM
Actually WJ, I never catch my mistakes before I hit 'reply'. When I make them, it's after I hit the button and see how it looks in 'real time'. Then I hit the 'edit' button to correct any.

Still, I think this whole thing could have been avoided if all of us had marched on Home Depot like I suggested last Sunday!

maestri fan 1
07-15-2005, 11:23 AM
That happens to me all the time. It's not until after I post that I see the mistakes.

07-15-2005, 11:32 AM
Same here. Instead of SUBMIT, look to the right. There IS a button that says PREVIEW POST!!!!

W. Johnston
07-15-2005, 12:02 PM
I just found a perfect example of a case I mentioned above. I was going through the Pick 5 contest entries, and noticed someone had spelled a driver's last name wrong. Guess what? The person who picked after that spelled it wrong, too, but exactly the same way. I rest my case. :rolleyes:
If correct and/or corrected spelling bothers you so much, you need to get on the side of where your's doesn't need to be corrected. Believe me, I used to be a terrible speller in some instances, so I did something about it. But it's much more comfortable on this side. You read over 20 thousand posts, and you end up shaking your head at where some of these spellings of words even originate. Typos are one thing, obvious misspellings are quite another. You may have noticed, I never use words I can't spell. Is it obvious misspelling for someone to constantly misspell "backstrech" (correct spelling "backstretch"). Yet, they never seem to see the correction, or do anything about it, even when the T is added, oversized and red. Hmmm.... The beat goes on!

07-15-2005, 12:06 PM
And you are leaving Home Depot soon??? DAMN !!! LOL

W. Johnston
07-15-2005, 12:25 PM
VERY soon, LOL!!!

07-15-2005, 01:27 PM
WJ I don't know you personally so I don't know what you've done with 12 years of school,from what I gather you work at home depot which I am not knocking. and you police a forum that im sure is not putting food on your table.
I didn't miss the point your hell bent on corrections to protect what?
also I would love to be part of the Jam family.the Jam its a nice site to catch up all the action it just has one flaw the (forum).so I'll read the post and not to get you upset with misspelled words,I will not post.
Do you correct a customer with a word they mispronounced? or do you throw them out of the store or do you bite your lip and help them?
which homedepot(dept) do you work in, just curious if you ever helped me out?

07-15-2005, 01:34 PM
heres my point on spelling i know you read this so my comment is backstretch or backstrech WHO CARES! Its still a BACKSTRETCH whether the T is missing or not. Dont you miss the point.

07-15-2005, 03:58 PM
WJ after you leave Home Depot maybe you could ride around and be the grass cutting police. My wife keeps missing parts of the lawn, hits the trees ,and cuts the flowers. HELP.

The Bullfather
07-15-2005, 04:57 PM
WJ, we all make mistakes, I work extremely hard. I come home, check my mail look at my regular websites for updates and then check out The Jam forum. I enjoy the community we've built over the years. I respect you as a person, I've known you a few years, a good guy and also a hard working guy who put many year in with Verizon. Sometimes we don't catch our mistakes, but no one is judging me on spelling except you and the mighty Red ink!lol:O)
People know me for me! I do merchadising all over the Island and then work with a youth center and do music shows all the time. I'm working on a huge festival August 21st at the Patchogue Band Shell, 2 stages and 14 bands, local and out of state acts. I put of time and effort into my events. I'm a well repsected person in the community and love working with the youth and young adults in the music field. I enjoy this website and the forum! I don't have time for rubbish! I try to catch mistakes, but when you correct my mispellings with Red lettering,it just makes me an example and truthfully it's almost childish! I'm not in grade school, I shouldn't, nor anyone be pointed out by there mistakes! :-|

Jeff T
07-15-2005, 05:21 PM
WJ, I understand where you are coming from. It can be frustrating to see the same mistakes over and over again. When you correct someone, it should be taken as constructive criticism, not as a personal attack. Hey, no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. If you proof read everything you read before you hit the send button, it saves a lot of grief and aggravation on everyones end. As an example, after proof reading this post, I found three mistakes. That's why I keep a dictionary next to my computer now.

07-15-2005, 05:41 PM
Ihave to say,that i think WAY to big a deal is made about spelling on this fourm!i am a happy sucsesful family person who has way to much to do than WORK on my spelling.soccer,baseball,lacrosse,football practice, and trying to get a demo car ready,not to mention a 60 hr(at least) a week full time job.when i do get on here for some enjoyment,i type whitout thinking! i can deal with the corrections, maybe if he just did away with the snide comments in the editors notes?and turning posts that did make sense into posts that dont.just my opinion!

I left this unedited so everyone can se what I have to deal with when certain people post, and it's every time, not just once in a while.

Jimmy D.
07-15-2005, 06:00 PM
Michael, By your comments to WJ in your post #17, you make it quite clear that you look down your nose at people. Obviously you don't know, that he retired from Verizon and went to work at Home Depot out of boredom. Do I agree with what WJ does on the Jam? Not always, but with 16 years of schooling and working side by side with Orthopaedic, Neuro. and Vascular Surgeons for 25 years, I never look down my nose at other people. We all put our pants on one leg at a time. Sorry, but I think your personal attack on WJ was uncalled for.

07-15-2005, 06:07 PM
Hey what about a spell check?? I for one do it the way Mike Fields does it. I submit it and edit it myself. No knock on Dan or Vinny or JA, RGee, WJ or anyone else for that matter but I do sometimes find it amazing that on a racing forum, I can tell you what Dan D's dog eats for dinner, and that's OK yet, the Bullfather's corrections on spelling have become a big deal. I don't mean to ramble but somethings are so irrelevant that go on this board and we break people's balls for misspelling words. I am not saying I want WJ's job, nor am I saying he does a bad job, but this has gotten out of control....yet we have a poll to pick the color of Vinny's roll over car??????? and if Dan D should drive a Modified, Dan couldn't afford to race a Charger Car. My point is if you want to talk about spelling mistakes a gramatical errors being ridiculous.....take a look at some of the non-racing posts we start on this board. If you're going to be critical on people be critical on racing content, this is a racing message board,no? I love this site and frequent many others, I just sometimes feel like you do go overboard and make the Bullfather ( who I do not know ) look stupid, and I sometimes feel it's uncalled for. Bullfather, shame on you for not taking the time to re-read your posts, we are all busy WJ included and he shouldn't have to spend his leisure time fixing your spelling mistakes. Please, this is JMO I have nothing against anyone, I just think we get nit picky on one subject, yet let the people in the "JAM CLICK" have open range sometimes. Steve Halpin

Mortgage Guy
07-15-2005, 06:12 PM
Well said Hollywood, I couldn't agree with you more...

07-15-2005, 08:06 PM
Please read this:


And this topic is closed.