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View Full Version : Checkered Dreams Event-July 31st

07-17-2005, 09:05 PM
:) As the Late Models are off for the next two weeks, I will have to keep you updated on the Checkered Dreams event from here.

The event is scheduled for Sunday, July 31st, at the NEETS NASCARE event. Joining us are Kayla and Aaron. For any team interested in giving the kids team shirts Kayla wears a child large and Aaron wears an adult medium. :applause:

The following is a list of the items that have already been donated...
Trophies - Geno and Family
Photo album/Camera's - Howie and Cindy Bott
A Cake - Howie and Cindy Bott (ok probably just Cindy :lol:
Checkered Dreams Blanket
Kayla - Mac Brothers Racing
Blanket-Aaron - Barbush Racing
McDonalds items- Paine Racing

:help: There are a few other things we are looking for help with :help:
*If you are interested in sponsoring one of the kids for their Checkered Dreams hat and T shirt, the cost for that is $38.00 per child
*We are looking for gas cards to supply to the families-to help defray travel costs.
*Last year, Geno got the food catered, they did a great job and we would love to have them back, and could use some monetary donations to pay for that.

We have recently added a Store with many Checkered Dreams items to Jackie's site at www.jackie88racing.com. There is a marquee on the front that takes you to the store. You may see something on there that you think the kids would like. All proceeds benefit the kids :-B

Lastly, don't forget about the rafting trip August 21st. Hopefully, if these fundraisers go well, I won't have to bug you guys for future events!!!!!!!!!! :wave:

Thanks so much for everyone's support, especially Billy and Joe, without them, this couldn't happen :applause: :applause:

Sue Ziegler
Checkered Dreams

07-18-2005, 04:36 PM
Let me know if you would like to do the same with the food. Last year I got it from Tresckow Super Food (is it chicken, a plane? No, it’s super-food!) :rolleyes:

Seriously, I would be more than happy to order it from them again this year. It was really good & they gave us a great price. However, I just heard yesterday that the store was sold two weeks ago. I will call & see if they still have the catering business, but seriously doubt it.

In the meantime, if anyone knows where we can get a decent deal with a caterer..please let us know!

Last year, lots of folks pitched with money, gifts, etc. & the day was an absolute blast for the kids! It was really nice to see them have so much fun (even though it was Eskimo weather that day!) :cool:

07-18-2005, 05:48 PM
Your not kiddin it was cold :eek: I darn near froze my everything off!

The caterer :confused: was very easy, but if we can't get that to work out it's ok, in the past we just had people donate items. Hot dogs, rolls, meat balls, ravioli, fruit, soda, water etc, and just set the stuff out in crock pots.

Let me know what you hear.

Thanks Geno

Checkered Dreams

07-25-2005, 09:08 PM
Well the time is almost here and I've spoken to the kids families and they're very excited and looking forward to Sunday.

We are still in need of drinks for the families. If anyone has a sponsor that might be willing to donate drinks, ie, soda, water, juices, iced tea, etc., I would of course supply them with a letter from Checkered Dreams for their donations.

Please let me know if anyone can help.

Checkered Dreams :wave: