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07-31-2005, 06:50 PM
Man did Tony Ferrante get screwed on that restart. The lights were still on and they flew the flag. Man they should have brought that start back. :mad:

07-31-2005, 09:47 PM
Yes that restart was bull.

Mike Fields
07-31-2005, 11:03 PM
That was Ray MortuRano in the flag stand flagging the race, with the style he developed over the years; when the cars are lined up for the restart--- throw the flag!

Of course if the track had stayed yellow for another lap or two, someone would have started a thread about courtesy laps!

To be honest, the quickness of the restart surprised the heck out of me, too. But that is the way he flagged for many years, and why I believe he was one of the great flaggers. He's steadfastly refused to wear a radio to communicate with other officials (maybe he's afraid of getting 'hat hair'!), and he goes his own way.

It wasn't that Tony in particular that got screwed; I believe that every driver was surprised. A tip of the hat goes to any radio-person who realized what was about to happen, and had time to alert their driver.

08-01-2005, 05:52 AM
From my count, there were 3 instances when the leader passed under the flag stand with the yellow being waved, only to have the green displayed when the field got to the restart line (without the flagman even so much as pointing to turn 3 when the leader went by). What ticks me off even more is that Mr. MortuRano had the nerve to make a joke of it with Wayne in victory lane! If that is just his "style", then I hope Riverhead does not allow this man to flag another race! :mad: