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View Full Version : At the end of the night...

08-01-2005, 10:41 PM
The party has come and gone, as with the people now as well, the race is over and I finally got some sleep...

But my duties are not over yet... A round of applause are in order for the whole crew of party goers!

"A First and Foremost Extra Special Thanks" goes to the unsung hero of the night, Joe Callavini. If not for Joe letting us use the track, this party would never had been... Forget turning lights on, supplying drinks and food at the party and keeping the bathrooms open and lit, opening the gates for the night was the biggest part of the party. We all had a great time, some more than others, but we should all be appreciative to Joe for using the track as our playground! :D :applause:

"Special Thanks" go to
Mark Paine: The chef of the night! Mark started cooking as soon as he got out of his 4-cylinder and put it away. He stayed up almost as long as some of us others and still ran to Harry's U-pull-it at 8AM for tires. You're a dedicated racer and party-goer Mark! :applause:
But most of all... Mark brought Lisa to the track... Without Lisa this party would not have been what it was. Lisa and I spent the past two weeks setting up and buying stuff for this event. She obtained all of the decorations from distributers and even found time to cook BBQ! So I think we all owe Lisa a big round of applause... :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

Woot and Richie Lawrence: Woot brought up the big old black grill last week and told us to keep it for events just like this. We would have been cooking on George Foreman grills had it not been for you two. Woot even brought the charcoal and some burgers and rolls. Thank you Woot and Richie! :applause: :applause:

Bobby Pease: The corn man! Bobby brought his grill are FIRED it up as soon as he found the lighter fluid! Bobby brought some corn of his own along with the other batch of corn we had and grilled up some of the best tasting corn! Thank you Bobby! :applause: :applause:

All our tent and our food people: Joe Jentile, Billy and of course our 'Drunk Dude'! Michelle Nelmes and everyone else who brought a desert or food that I didn't quite see! :applause:

April and Kevin Makarewicz: The chili was delicious, but most of all, the power strips you gave us at the last minute were a life saver. We had six crock pots and an electric grill on all at once! Also, you two made a great team... Kevin, you look so nice in April's pants! :D :D :D :applause: :applause: :applause:

And finally an "Extra Special Thanks" go out to
Jason Makarewicz and Marissa Nelmes... From tents and coolers to sausage and peppers... From moving tables to putting up tents... You were both the biggest helping hand of the night... They brought the first keg, lots of food, Jello shots, the contest tent and ran for things all night... But even then, Jason didn't stop. When the sun came up, Only Jason, Marissa and I were left up ALL NIGHT LONG. Jason helped me move the picnic tables back to where they belonged once people started rolling out of bed and into the pits, take the tents down, move the food tables, clean up around the area, and even lock a sleeping Billy in his own trailer. :D :D :D Above all, I would have never been able to get the party area back to its original state without Jason, and for that we all owe you a big THANK YOU! The only thing that could have prevented us from having another event like this would be Joe Cal arriving at the track in the morning and finding the place a wreck with nobody around to clean it. Jason helped us in a big way, because I was out of energy by morning and would not have been able to do all that myself. Thank you Jason and Marissa! :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

Billy B: Need I say anything, the pictures speak for themselves! Billy organized and ran all of the games himself. You did a great job keeping the spirits up and the people at the party. He got us winged up and iced down! And Billy was up almost all night long and still did a good job running the race the next day! Thank you Billy! :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

I think I've covered everyone, but I'm also sure I missed a few! Thanks to everyone who came, J-Mac crew, Paine Racing, 3:16 crew, Uncle Petey, to name a few from the Mountain racers... All of the NEETS crews who were there, you did a great job Sunday considering what some of you went through Saturday night. And to everyone who I saw and don't know! :wave:

Saturday Nights will never be the same after the Moon over the Mountain II, but let's all get together and do this again! Next NEETS race is on Labor Day and Billy already announced a test and tune for the day before the race...let's start planning!

Finally, I think YOU (who all know who you are) should all thank me for not posting my over 200 pictures all over the net! But they are free to see by emailling me at Saphien@hotmail.com.

Lots of fun everyone!!!
Joe Cutri, the photo guy :wave:

08-02-2005, 12:58 PM
...for not publishing the party pics. :applause: And anybody who gets a copy definitely does NOT have my permission to publish anything with me in the frame.

Racing Rebel
08-02-2005, 02:14 PM
THANK YOU :wave:

for ALL YOUR SUPPLIES George Forman grills, food, cooler, etc :applause:
and most of all....for NOT PUBLISHING ANY PICTURES :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

April & I decided that we are an official team and will most likely run every enduro together. (Except the Femduro!!!! :disgusted ) and next party I'm skipping the sausage and peppers and she & I will make about 500 jello shots( which, may I add.....we thought of about 5 different games to go along with) :applause: :applause:
All of the Mac Crew is still recovering and my voice.....let's just say, I'm glad that this is not a voice forum!!!!! :lol:
See ya all Friday!!!!

Marissa 2AM (Thiller & Enduro)

P.S. I forgot, a huge thank you goes out to Mr. Rodriques Sr. for the driving advice at oh I suppose 5:00a.m. Sunday!!!! It worked for Sunday, let's see if I can remember it for Friday!!! :confused:

08-02-2005, 03:06 PM
Let's get started on the next party. It's early and we can plan now for YET ANOTHER GREAT 1...We already have people lined up to help with food and other stuff, like they already did..Also have the "COOK" lined up and ready to go..
We can have another pit sleep over (PARTY ON SUNDAY) if it is OK with Joe and You...
Let me know on this, so I can get a start on the next party...
Thanks Lisa

08-02-2005, 06:03 PM
Thanks to Joe also for seeing that the leftovers got to the Checkered Dreams families and to all the teams for letting us have them........ :applause:

Checkered Dreams

p.S. Marissa we are VERY proud of you for finishing. That's not an easy thing to do! We have not had that luck yet ourselves! :*-(

08-02-2005, 11:50 PM
Hey everyone,
I know that I'm not one that should talk because I was not able to attend either of the parties that you all had in the pits. (my duties as a mother call, and baby-sitters are hard to come by sometimes) But I was thinking, it's really great that you want to combine the parties with the enduro races and try to get everyone together for a night of racers fun, but what about our regular drivers? Shouldn't we plan a big bash for them after the races one night? Don't get me wrong, I love all of you enduro drivers, but I think our regular guys and gals deserve a party night all to themselves too! And the track is the best location, not at a bar when 2 AM is the limit on the party unless you want to go somewhere else. And from what I've heard happens at these parties, you all would get your a$$es thrown out of the bar anyway! Our regular guys and gals spend a ton of money at the track each and every week paying to get in, tires, food, etc....they deserve a night to live it up big. Maybe we can arrange something huge for the Big Dog event (too soon?) what about KOTM? Just a thought, and if it's a go, I'd love to help out anyway that I could. But from what I hear, Lisa and Joe do a cracker jack job!! Let me know what you all think, it's just my 1 1/2 cents worth, and if I have enough notice, I'll be trying to get a sitter!! See you all on Friday night!! Erica ~ transponder chick~

08-03-2005, 01:45 AM
What's wrong with mixing them? :confused: A party, is a party, is a party. This last party was for NEETS AND Mountain drivers/families but only one "non-enduro" team chose to attend (The Brighthaupt LM crew). It is the usual support we get from our regulars.
I did throw parties, (all paid by me), at prior years SSS, LMN....and KOTMs up until last season. The crowd dwindled and dwindled until it was not worth even buying the beer.
The next party will be the "Labor Day Bash"...Sept 4th at 8:30pm in the pits. A party needs people....regulars, officials...and yes, even enduro drivers.
If you want to plan something for Saturday night on the KOTM...I'll be glad to help ya out. :wave: (The BIG DOG is on a Sunday and would not work).

08-03-2005, 04:41 AM
Thanks Billy,
So NOW I can start to plan the NEXT PARTY LABOR DAY BASH!! OKay PPL lets get stasrted...We will do the same as last party. Let me know what you can bring...Lets make it a FUN 1 just like all the REST we HAD!!!
Thanks Lisa...

08-03-2005, 05:23 AM
hmmmm, fire works this time. :-B :P

08-03-2005, 01:08 PM
My canopy, propane grill and table are still there, so let's consider those items as good-to-go already. Also, we still have the big grill with three bags of charcoal left, I have plenty of bags of chips too leftover! We even have some burgers and dog still in the freezer!

In spite of the small dilemna we came across last time, let's grab a few cases of beer this time, NO MORE KEGS...Dennis, Jason and Billy should agree with me on this... But if someone wants to take that responsibility into their hands, by all means go ahead. Understand this though, YOU will be responsible for the KEG and it's accessories at the end of the night.

My camera will be ready for the next one, so let's get started!

Joe :wave:

08-03-2005, 01:49 PM
Ok Joe I still have a few more tables than before. Family has 2 6ft tables from their catering we can use..ALSO, I have the COOK all lined up and ready..Table linen I WILL bring this time...AND I will talk to MARK and see what we will bring...DO you want to make a NEW page up for the LABOR DAY BASH so we can get started on collecting things?

08-03-2005, 07:21 PM
Count me in for some more ziti (thanks to mom I now know how to make it). I agree with Joe on cases of beer is better. So chalk me up for 3-30 packs of Coors Light. I am also leaving for SC in a few short days, so do expect something of the illegal explosive stuff...anything else that could be used let me know...

Racing Rebel
08-03-2005, 09:45 PM
If you ask me.........................there was nothing wrong with 1 :rolleyes: keg but the second went to waste. :disgusted Jason & I have no problem picking up the keg and we would have kept track of the accessories if they didn't leave the track!!! Not trying to be a b**** ;) but the first keg lasted until 1a.m. I guess it's up to Billy whether or not to get even 1 keg, but like I said, we have no problem picking it up. :wave: As far as anything else, count Ms. Mountain & I in for @500 :drool: jello shots and JJ's canopy, oh and we will for sure bring folding tables this time. As far as the music goes.............consider it taken care of. If there is anything else, just let us know.

Marissa 2AM :wave: