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08-14-2005, 05:07 PM
what's your opinion ?
if you spin out the when should the yellow be thrown ?
1/4 spin 1/2 spin full spin crash and burn ??????
just want to know what you think ?

08-14-2005, 05:43 PM
Throwing a yellow is often times a difficult decision. You must balance the need to move the show along and the need to avoid more catastrophe. If a car is stalled and in immediate danger of being hit, the yellow should be thrown. Then again, everyone will agree to this, but it is very subjective. How long is long, how fast is fast, how high is high?

08-14-2005, 06:14 PM
When Park spun out of 2 and didnt get going fight away the yellow shouldve been thrown. Dont know what they were waiting for when the rest of the field was comin through turn 1. :confused: :confused: :disgusted

08-14-2005, 06:51 PM
15 yellow
05 noyellow
33 no yellow
might i ad leading the race ????
what comes around goes around ???
you know what i mean #96 !!!!!

08-14-2005, 07:12 PM
I couldn't agree with you more shifter 4580, it sometimes seems to depend on who you are as to when a caution flag is thrown!

08-14-2005, 09:36 PM
I strongly disagree with you shifter and chargerfan....

Do you really think that you could that better a job than Mr. D, Wayne S., Jim M., Walter B., Smokey B, and crew??? These guys and gals are human. They have other careers. This is their hobby and passion just as it is for the competitors. Are they perfect? NO WAY. Do they try to do a fair job? I think so!

I do recall the Young Johnny D was set down for the mod race after letting his emotions get the better of him after the truck race.

Heck.....our team should be the one complaining last night. We were taken out of the race when a (not to be named) competitor's crew hysterically radioed the '15 is leaking.....the 15 is leaking'. I'd like to know where this 'mystery' fluid came from. We weren't even allowed the COURTESY of the white box, yet I've yet to see someone who saw the fluid. (Our temp was 180 at the time.) This took us from 9th to last at lap 10 when we were moving forward quickly.

Why couldn't we prove our innocence in the box? Is this the new way to 'GET AT' our rivals.......to get them off the track by screaming FLUID!!!!???

Its kind of disheartening.......but I'm not gonna blame the officials......they do try.

08-14-2005, 09:59 PM
Been there done that with being accused of leaking by a competitor. We didn't get the white box either just the black flag.

08-14-2005, 10:04 PM
Kinda s@*cks, does it not, Debbie?

I recall talking to Grumpy the following week. Not his usual joking self.

08-14-2005, 11:14 PM
Well maybe the starters got sick of throwing the yellow last night, because it seemed like the mods just forgot how to drive last night. How long were we stuck on lap 10 for???? The starters were probably just trying to get the race in without going over the time limit.

08-15-2005, 05:41 AM
Sometimes the yellow gets thrown too quickly, other times not fast enough. I remember a certain Late model driver with his arse hanging out in turn 3, after being spun out, for many laps before the yellow was eventually thrown. Yes, it is up to the officials, and yes, they are only human, but the individual situation must also be taken into consideration. Trying to allow the driver to get the car out of the way/restarted is noble, but if it may cause a "situation" then the yellow must fly. In my opinion, notice I say my opinion, if the situation arises throw it, better safe than sorry.