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View Full Version : Helping Hand in the pits .

08-29-2005, 04:33 PM
It was nice to see 1st hand the efforts made by all, especially Joe Bertuccio to get J-Rod #08 back on the track after having a few wires melted down (ignition). The teamwork was a real nice thing to see under pressure, people running to check for this, others running for that, handing this to Joe, etc.. Great efforts by all.
I really do not think that J-Rod Intentionally Caused a Caution to come back out after making it around the track 1 lap and going high in turn 4 to get out of the way of traffic, in which the announcer said he was going to be penalized for 1 lap. Also, he was in motion in the pits and pulling on ramp when the announcer said he was locked out ..not in time .. I thought that if a car was in motion in the pits, they would let the car back on the track?

08-29-2005, 06:07 PM
Also, why was the 39 given his spot back when he was involved in the big one. He was stopped facing backwards. With J-Rod the track should have let him out. The rule is if your in motion they will hold the gate. It also depends who you are.

08-29-2005, 06:33 PM
It also depends who you are.

I think that sums it up.

08-29-2005, 07:27 PM
The 39 was NOT involved in that wreck. He slammed on his brakes to avoid it and slid up into it. This is directly from Mike R assistant starter, who has the best view of turn 1 and 2 because that is what he is assigned to watch during features. :*-(

08-29-2005, 08:37 PM
J-Rod was not too far behind the 88 in the pits coming back on to the track, they let the 88 on the track no problem but held the 08? They already docked the 08 a lap so why hold him also in the pits and not let him out? All depends on who you are.. thats the truth and it sucks but its what makes Riverhead earn its "reputation". :help:

An Observer
08-29-2005, 09:13 PM
Who you are can work both ways.

08-29-2005, 11:24 PM
Glad you were not in that car W.J.? So maybe the alligator clip or ??? needed a piece of tape to hold it in position, so that it would not disconnect the juice ?
Yes, cars can roll down under no power, if the traffic permits? Hmmnn Roll down, take a chance on causing a wreck, while the green is still lit? True about the lapped car that comes back out with a 1/2 ashed attempt to get some laps in, except where a car is running fine, and it's not sputtering going off the track in the first place or not running properly at the gate waiting to come back on. What reputation are you talking about Turbo?
thats the truth and it sucks but its what makes Riverhead earn its "reputation". The one about the track being the only oval race car track left on Long Island? Or the one 'There are no Who's Who when it comes to racing at Riverhead Raceway'? Remember, It's the only Track left and it's in our own back yard ..
Maybe J-Rod was in the running for points???LOL

08-30-2005, 05:37 AM
There are no Who's Who when it comes to racing at Riverhead Raceway.

Not an official one .. :rolleyes:

Remember It's the only Track left and its in our own back yard ..

Kind of like saying "Since they're the only kid on the playground with a ball they can do whatever they want" .
The bulk of racers at Riverhead have to put up with a lot of shennanigans just to race there every week. It's absurd. The place would fare so much better if they quit worrying about whos pockets they're dipping into and just focused on putting on a show.

Some dissention amongst the participants is fine. It keeps rivalries going and feeds new ones. The level they are at now with the amount of people racing there each week saying the same thing as the next guy (or girl!) and so on and so forth....

Something's gotta give.

08-30-2005, 06:27 AM
Not only was RJ not involved (slammed in his brakes to avoid), but he was not only able to re-start, but able to get away under his own power. Rule states if the lap wasn't fully completed, then the driver goes back into his position before the incident.

08-30-2005, 09:19 AM
Why was tribuzio given his spot back when he had hit the brakes slammed into another car and had completley spun around. :confused: :confused:

08-30-2005, 10:55 AM
Riverhead is giving RJ the championship.

08-30-2005, 11:21 AM
When has RJ become a track favorite? Geez, I remember it wasn't that long ago when the track was busting his chops and setting him to the back every chance they got.

This year RJ has remained relatively quiet and minded his manners all year. He's kept his nose clean and that's usually what makes a champion. Looking down the list of past champs, you got guys like Glenn Tyler, Gregg Shivers, Scott Kulesa, and Steve Tooker who are guys who race a "smart" race. They aren't overly aggressive, but know "when" to make the move.

That's why RJ is in the points lead. And others have had a combination of bad luck and forgetting the big picture.

08-30-2005, 12:19 PM
If the track was "giving away" championships then why was (of all people) Tom Rogers the modified champ last year?? He earned that just like RJ is trying to earn his. As far as why J-Rod was not allowed back on the track, I don't know either. What I can tell you is that the officials making that decision usually do so for everyone's safety. There had to be a reason and I am sure it was a good one. Instead of everyone speculating and accusing, why don't you ask them. Usually, it is Mike Cappiello and Jim Maggio who check the cars before they go out on the track. If you ask (nicely), I am sure they would answer you.

08-30-2005, 01:57 PM
Giving it to RJ? Hmmm, now that's funny :lol: :lol: :lol: . When RJ does win it, he will do it by earning it the way it should be done, hard, yet clean driving. Unlike many of the "young guns" who must "banzai" through to hopefully win, and in the process destroy other vehicles (this goes for all the divisions), RJ takes his time, waits for the right moment and makes his move. A previous post named some of the other drivers whom I also consider in the same basic mold, but to say being "given" the championship is as funny as free entrance to the pits for all this weekend.

08-30-2005, 02:45 PM
W.J. I say DITTO to ya. when you stated

We can all second guess that decision, but it won't serve any purpose. O:)

08-30-2005, 05:37 PM
Ask the officals? LOL, I have asked why I got blacked flagged ,thrown off the track, given a win for finishing last, pulling my motor for 12th place. Ask them?Honestly, I don't think they really care. It's who YOU ARE......... They sit there and yell at you on the ramp, and treat you like an a-hole after something happens. We aren't perfect on the track, stuff happens and we really don't want it to. But these idiots think we are perfect and they think we know what every person's cars and what our cars are going to do every corner. It's a 1/4 mile track. There is a difference between spinning someone out and getting underneath someone and them coming down on you. As far as stopping on the track, dozens of guys do it over the years and nothing. The guy is second in points, he hasn't intentionally brought out a caution all year, give him a break. They aren't giving the 39 anything either, he has earned where he is. All I want is what's good for one should be good for the other. I'm pretty sure they waited a FEW extra laps for the 42, 28, 39 in the double pointer. I don't hear anyone saying anything on that. But I understand that it's double points and that's the 1,2,3 guy in points. CONSISTANCY for all, please. Give breaks to everyone, they work their butts off, all week and all year.

Jeff T
08-30-2005, 05:38 PM
Hey Old School, you're funny...Riverhead is giving RJ the championship. That's why the 28 got 5 laps under caution to get back out on the track a few weeks ago when he had trouble. Nothing against the 28 team, but I'm just bringing this up to make a point, that being your view of things are slighty slanted. Why don't you just say what you are implying and admit that you don't like RJ and be done with it. At least this way, we don't have to serve you the cheese to go with your whine.

08-30-2005, 06:09 PM
RJ is one of my favorites to win the championship. All you forum guys that sit in the stands on Sat and drink beer have no idea about passion. When your team gets screwed over all the time, it gets aggravating. RJ spun and got his spot back. He didn't stop before the wreck, he spun into it. J-Rod is second in points and they flat out screwed him. Greg is third in points, and did the same thing as RJ, and was told he is going to the back. What's the deal?

08-30-2005, 06:37 PM
I can understand your aggravation Old School. I too was a member of a team and there were some things that just made you wonder is it a conspiracy to screw over your team. More times than not there's reasoning behind it. Sometimes the reasoning is perhaps not the best, but there is some logic behind it. And the logic is not to go all out and screw you over... Just my thoughts:)

08-30-2005, 06:59 PM
Staying on this thread. It's great that you get a helping hand from other people in the pits as was mentioned that Joe B was helping out J Rod this past week.

Now getting off this thread. J Rod got flat out screwed this week not once BUT twice by the officials. The guy gets pushed off the track and they put him a lap down! If the 88 was allowed back on the track, the 08 wasn't too far behind him, yet he's not allowed back on the track. As far as lap cars being allowed back on the track they paid their $25.00 to race and I think
J Rod who was ONLY 8 points out of the lead at the time, is one of the cleanest racers out there.

As far as asking an official "nicely" about a call and having them talk to you about it "nicely" I don't believe this happens at Riverhead. :disgusted

08-30-2005, 08:10 PM
Hey Walter...BrunNhoelzl! LOL Just messing with you.

Sorry about that, it's been corrected. Funny, I usually correct EVERYONE else's spelling of your last name, so I didn't see my own mistake. WJ

08-30-2005, 10:05 PM
J-rod's car had wiring problems and wouldn't refire without help. Sometimes when you are stuck on the track (especially truly without power and not just stopped waiting for the tow truck to refire.), you can't take a chance of coasting down the track while stalled. That is more a safety issue. But J-rod was almost to the gate when the green flag dropped. He also should not have been put a lap down either. This was the car sitting second in points with 3 races left and the officials made a decision that didn't have to be made. It may have cost Jarrod a shot at the championship. I see guys get away with a lot of crap at that track and this is the moment that the officials decide to draw a hard line. Out of all the wrongdoing that is done on a weekly basis at this track, why put Jarrod down a lap for stopping on the track with a problem? Obviously, there really was a problem with the car or there wouldn't have been 20 of us helping him out. Just be consistent with the calls and there won't be so many problems.

Jeff T
08-30-2005, 11:03 PM
Hey Old School, I do agree with you about consistancy in officiating. Unfortunately, there is alway the human factor when these calls are made. Usually 50% of the people agree with it, and the other 50% of them hate it. You'll never please them all. Such is the case with the posts you made in the last 2 weeks. It sounded like you were an RJ hater. Sorry if I assumed this, but to me, that is what it sounded like. As for being a beer drinking fan in the stands, not so. I've spent 28 years in the Riverhead pits, 17 with the team I am currently helping.

08-30-2005, 11:49 PM
Jaykwaz and my post have something in common I think?
Sometimes when you are stuck on the track (especially truly without power and not just stopped waiting for the tow truck to refire.), you can't take a chance of coasting down the track while stalled. That is more a safety issue.
Dan D.=
Yes, cars can roll down under no power, if the traffic permits? Hmmnn Roll down, take a chance on causing a wreck, while the green is still lit?
Can J-Rod Protest the call? probably too late?
Also, I think Ace is onto something when he stated =
J-Rod got flat out screwed this week, not once, BUT twice, by the officials.
I should have stayed on this thread topic. It is true there is a lot of friendship in the pits between teams that help each other out, it is really nice to see.

08-31-2005, 05:41 PM
Getting back to what this thread was originally about, I would like to personally thank ALL the people that came down to get the car back out there. Especially Joe Bertuccio, Aaron Clifford, Harry Burton, as well as everyone else. I wish I could remember everyone that was down there. Without their help, we would have never made it anywhere back near the track.

08-31-2005, 07:09 PM
I was not there, but I have two questions........was there an official by the car? If not, how would they know he had a legitimate problem? Or if it looked like he was playing "the role" not to get put down a lap, thus not re-firing the car, why wouldn't they put him a lap down. To my knowledge, because we no longer have courtesy laps...if there is any movement in the pits before the green, the caution is supposed to come out, unless they are already in turn 3. When I announced a couple of weeks ago, we were supposed to go green 3 times during the Modified feature and didn't due to " movement in the pits." So my questions again, were they almost to turn 3 when the movement in the pits started and was there an official by the car to see there was obviously an electrical problem??? If so, shame on them for putting Jarrod a lap down, because from what you're all saying he didn't deliberately bring out the caution. If not, you can't blame them for the call if they were all on the ramp and had no knowledge what was going on in the 08 pit.

08-31-2005, 09:04 PM
I have seen quite a few occasions this year where courtasy laps were given in one heat but not the next. I remember hearing Bob Finan announce that if we are not strapped for time laps will be given. This is yet another thing that is not fair. Why laps in one race but not another. Who can explain this one? The begining of the season Chris Turbush had a flat in the heat and i changed the tire myself in decent time and the gate was closed with the green out before we even jacked the car up. That very next week i remember a car who will remain numberless as he is innocent in the decision making. He had a problem in the heat and i remember counting around 5 laps he recieved after the cars were lined up and ready to go. Again my question is why screw the guy who is 8 points out of the lead with 3 races left?

08-31-2005, 09:14 PM
You either give courtesy laps or you don't. Rules should not change week to week or race to race.

09-01-2005, 11:22 AM
After J-Rod came in for the 2nd time because his car stalled, I was the one who fixed the car (along with a few others) and what happened was the crank trigger wire came undone the 2nd time and we had to reconnect it. After J-Rod pulled away, I looked up to see the 88 passing by and re-entering the race track..(the 08 is already moving at this time) and they shut the gate on him. I personally went onto the ramp to ask Billy why he closed the gate on us and his answer was "Just the wave of his hand to get off the ramp".....Thanks for the straight answer Billy..... :wave:

09-01-2005, 07:26 PM
Sround, you're account is similar to the deal. Basically the field was on the back stretch ready for the green and the #88 just barely made it through the gate. And by the time they were at turn 3 for the green they just got the gate shut and J-Rod got shut out. It's a real shame, but unfortunately that's the bad breaks of racing. J-Rod is due for a championship, but perhaps this year isn't his. Just keep in mind he is 32 points out of it BUT if Roger has a bad night, anything can happen. Is it likely? No... but weirder things have happened, and remember, Oxee winning a championship is like the Red Sox winning the World Series... Wait that happened.. hmm... I'll find a better example...

09-01-2005, 09:30 PM
i'll give you a good example the mets make it to the world series :lol:

09-01-2005, 09:52 PM
Low blow, low blow! :( :disgusted :*-(

09-01-2005, 10:12 PM
ok the YANKEES make to the playoffs

Tower Man
09-06-2005, 02:33 PM
Hey Hollywood, when I was there no courtesy laps were given. If the front row reached turn one and a car was moving, (off the jacks and rolling), I would say put it out a car is moving. If no cars were moving at that point I would say the gates are closed. From the few times I have been at the track, Jim Maggio is still following the same procedure. The only difference I see is that I had a couple more people. One of which was stationed by the welder to watch the west side of the pit road.

Hey, it's tough to see all. Only wives, girlfriends and their friends see all.