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View Full Version : Single File Restart on Lap 11???

09-04-2005, 09:05 AM
What's going on here?

Is this Riverhead RACEway or CIRCUS city?

Our race had run with only minor stoppage. It was run with little carnage and incident (no slight meant to the 85 here). There was NO threat of the time limit cutting us short. It was NOT EVEN 830 for Christ's sake!

And we have to go single file on lap 11??? Park....Rogers.....Anderson....Steuer.....all up front......ALL SO HUNGRY for their various reasons. The makings of one exciting spectacle!

BBBBBBBBBUT.....so the little kids don't hafta stay up so late......we're left with a friggen train race.

SO often the powers that be tell us to look at the big picture.....I'm sorry.....but THEY blew it this time. That restart had SUCH potential drama. They stole it from us.

Perhaps racing is nearly dead on Long Island.

09-04-2005, 10:05 AM
Modified fan you just arent happy unless your complaining are you? every post on this forum from you is negative!

09-04-2005, 11:27 AM

Oh Unowho....unowho......I'll take it that you don't concur.

Bring on those Monster Trucks!!!!

09-04-2005, 11:47 AM
I Agree With Modified Fan, TheY're Taking Racing Away And Adding More Circus Acts, But I Don't Blame The Cromarty's Though, The Circus Acts Is What's Bringing In The Crowds. I Think They Have Enough Time For both racing and circus acts and not have to have a racing division off every week.

09-04-2005, 02:33 PM
Years ago you had a real demo derby, Joey Chitwood thrill show, fireworks and the place was 200% packed with no circus shows. I can see the point of having the circus, there's enough clowns on the track. Restarting single file on lap 11? What rocket scientist thought of this?
Congrats Dynamite Dan and crew on another track championship. 1 more year? :confused:

09-05-2005, 09:28 AM
I totally agree with Modified Fan. Lap 5, Caution's out, and we ran 8 laps under that caution. Lap 11, Caution's out, we ran 10 laps under that caution. THEN they decide to go with a single file restart!!! What were the officials thinking? Here we had Billy, Chuckie and Wayne, who are all vying for the points lead all up front. Had we remained double file restart, I think we would have had one hell of a race instead of a BORING train race. Lest the Cromarty's forget, who supports THEM and their bank account(s) (and the Officials/Staff ???) week after week, all season long, April to September, year after year. ALL the racing divisions--drivers, crew members, and sponsors--spending their hard earned monies and the monies of those sponsors. Putting on show after show for the fans that spend their hard-earned money weekly to watch the excitement of true racing. Okay, so the Promoters want to add other acts here and there throughout the season. That's their choice. However, they shouldn't "hurry up" exciting races so they can get on with the "circus acts". (Hey, did you notice that you could get a couple of minutes ride in the back of the monster truck for ONLY $6.00 per person--what a bargain LOL.) The modified finish was posted at 9:05 with the Monster Trucks going out on the track. At 10:15 I looked at my watch and they were FINALLY finishing their "show?". I think the Promoters and officials need to revisit their way of thinking. The last time I looked at the sign on Route 58 it read "RIVERHEAD RACEWAY" and I always believed Raceway meant cars were racing.

mod fan99
09-05-2005, 10:12 AM
Amen.............................................. .....

Teds Race Tours
09-05-2005, 11:04 AM
I agree as well. That restart was looking like a nice juicy one, until the single file call was made.

09-05-2005, 12:02 PM
I agree with Modified Fan there was no reason that we had to go to a single file restart.

Tower Man
09-06-2005, 02:09 PM
This may sound like a dumb question, and it won't be my last, but, did anyone ask Bill or any of the officials why they went single file? I was not there, I was in Martinsville having the time of my life.

Hey Walter , it was good seeing and talking with you.

09-06-2005, 06:17 PM
I wasn't there either, but can someone please give us a brief non-biased (as possible) play by play? It sounds like there were some major accidents for caution periods of so many laps. Did a bunch of cars get really hammered or something?
Just reading about it, it does seem really strange to go single file so soon, unless it was looking like Road Warrior 3 out there, but I am not getting the sense that is what happened.

Can someone please enlighten me?

09-08-2005, 07:51 AM
Tower Man....

Mr. D is not the most receptive person to constructive criticism just after races. I thought this board was the place to vent such sentiment, showing how the racing fans truly lost by having their race expedited.


The race started handicapped as normal. The fast were quickly moving forward. Caution 1 was brief. Caution 2 was for Lenny dragging the front stretch hard. At that point, he was the only one requiring wrecker attention. Unlike the Late Models, which had just come thru a lot of aggravation, this race was very smooth.

At that point, Park (tied for the points lead) was first...Rogers (last year's champ...hungry for redemption and a win after his suspension) was second...Anderson (well....just plain hungry....sorry Wayne....couldn't resist) was third....Steuer (looking to get to Park for a chance at the Title) was fourth....and I believe Joey had raced up to fifth.

The makings of one HUGE double file restart. Tis a pity....

09-08-2005, 12:19 PM
There's two sides of the coin to this issue:

First side is the championship contenders... They absolutely did NOT want to see a single file restart. And I understand their frustration with this decision. Now there's a lot of pressure Saturday night to do well, but in a way it does make it interesting for the final night.

Second side is the fans in the stands... After a long drawn out Late Model race, I am sure the management wanted to prevent another long race. 90% of the fans came to see the Monster Trucks and Taxi Cab Demolition Derby (I hate to say that, but it's the truth). Having the night end before 10pm is always a good goal with the interest of families and their young kids.

Just another side of the coin... Personally I believe one more chance at a double file restart would have been good, BUT hindsight is always better than foresight.

Tower Man
09-13-2005, 09:26 AM
Hey Modified Fan, vent all you like. I never said don't vent. But if you wish not to talk to Bill D, there's always Maggio and Cappiello.


Walter, I know I wasn't in the tower, but in the Non-qualifiers race, I beat Reggie to the line and in the 250 , Teddy was behind me for 26 laps..LOL