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View Full Version : way to go bub!

09-20-2005, 09:25 PM
Hey, just wanna say congratulations to dave on his win, and way to go bub on ruining yet another race for the #22, the kid was doin great just like he has all year, yet you have to wreck him..... there was no pressure, it was lap 19 and there was no one on your bumper, only one persons fault. It scares me that you will be the only one carrying on the turbush family name out at riverhead, I lost the rest of my little respect for you saturday night.... way to go :applause:

09-20-2005, 11:19 PM
The above post doesn't seem to be Justin writing unless he is using someone elses nick.

09-20-2005, 11:51 PM
whether its him or not, I know that he feels the same as the person who posted that. Trust me I know, I saw his frustration a couple nights ago. I am just tryin to say that my brother is not perfect. He is sorry that he tapped him. Justin's a great guy, no doubt about it, I have hung out with him before and it's all a good time. I just don't like how him/ or whoever that name claims to be (mike jones? who? that rap singer, lol) shouts out our last name like that is going to ruin our family name? I am sure my father was almost the same as him back in his days, maybe even rougher than he is now.. so we have been through all this before with the stupid moves and all that nature. At least my brother knows he made a mistake


09-21-2005, 01:36 AM
some people get SCARED over the silliest and weirdest things.... take for instance this person ?(who by the way had the #81 as his #2 pick in the 50 lapper)...scared over this???
It scares me that you will be the only one carrying on the turbush family name out at riverhead, and I agree with Rgee he he stated
The above post doesn't seem to be Justin writing unless he is using someone elses nick. And maybe Turbo his real name is Rick James..??? It might be a little early for the silly season to start anyways Great job Justin in your rookie year and nice improvement Chris from last year to this year ..

09-21-2005, 07:24 AM
Nope not me! :confused: ;) :applause:

Justin Bonsignore

W. Johnston
09-21-2005, 10:08 AM
Apparently, it's not anyone. This little thread got me to investigating, and there is no address to match the registered one for TITANrcr16. Therefore, that user will be suspended until futher notice, as well as, until LEGITIMATE PROOF is presented as to who that poster really is.
And, to disassociate him from any driver, his avatar has been removed.