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11-04-2005, 08:39 AM

He sounds like he might need a nap.

*rAcIn CuTiE*
11-04-2005, 10:04 AM
This is the second article from this writter that seems to have a personal vendetta against donny. It seems to be more opinionated then actual facts. Yes Donny had a tough season, overcoming many barriers but who didn’t. I believe a week after Donny had the incident with Coby, didn’t Robby Gordon try to hit another competitor’s car under caution and then proceed to throw equipment at them and didn’t Kasey Kahne get in trouble for an incident involving him also. So here is my question, if they don’t fine and punish those who are suppose to be on a higher level where the example should be set then what do we on a weekly level do? When NASCAR chooses not to set an example it is hard to tell a weekly competitor their punishment when a Cup guy can do it on National TV and get a slap on the hand. Yes what Donny has done wasn’t right [dumping Coby under caution and the incident with the SK race] but there is no reason to bash him. Good Luck Donny defending your win at NSS this weekend!! :wave:

11-04-2005, 11:02 AM
shawn wrote a good article, i kinda find your logic for Lia's actions a little strange.

11-04-2005, 11:33 AM
Barring a personal "vendetta" against Lia it seems to me that the author reported 4-5 infractions that Donny commited that should be dealt with.Hitting 2 drivers,spinning another,speeding&wreckless "abandon" in the pit area-this is not the way any driver-be it small time or Nextel cup should react and penalties should be handed down.This kind of action is not only a detriment to the sport is is a danger to all that participate,including the "perp" himself.I only hope that whatever Nascar decides that Donny looks positively at it-he does have one hell of a lot of talent. :disgusted

*rAcIn CuTiE*
11-04-2005, 11:56 AM
Like I said I felt how Donny reacted was wrong but it just seems that a cup guy can do whatever and get away with it, so why should Donny be stuck getting a penalty?? If NASCAR wants to crack down, be fair for ALL!! That’s my logic.

11-04-2005, 01:18 PM
It's not a very journalistic view in my opinon. They should probably try sticking to non sports-related news.
As to a penalty...
If these alleged actions were witnessed by "officials", he should be penalized to the letter of the law, regardless of NASCAR's previous actions with other drivers.
We have seen though, in the recent past, NASCAR's inability to get it right :mad:

11-04-2005, 04:06 PM
Donny was penalized on the race track. Who saw the incident in the pits?????? Only the reporter?? I spoke to others in the pits, never saw it. I was in the pits, never saw that. Perhaps I missed it, it could definately be possible. As far as the reporter, see if you can read some of his archives. He stirs the pot, that is his style, it's what he does like it not, we're talking about his article. I read most of his articles, he says what many people think, and just wont say. Donny will be fine, he's a good kid and a good driver. Shawn is just doing his job, and stirring it up. Ask TC and James Civalli what they think of Shawn's articles. It's just how he writes and Donny was this weeks target. I am not condoning Donny's actions, NASCAR did what they have done all year to people who have done the same thing, at least they stayed consistent. TC was parked for 2 laps for dumping Tyler Hyadt, Donny got the same for dumping Mike Christopher. May have been the best thing for Mike Christopher, he was pissed and had a spirited top 5 run after that. I felt one of his best runs of the year. Long live the Tour. Good luck to all at the NSS.

11-04-2005, 04:07 PM
Just because the cup guys got away, another guy should not get off free and clear. NASCAR has to put it's foot down starting somewhere.

11-04-2005, 04:31 PM
not to burst anyone's "bubble,and correct me if i am wrong,but i do believe that Robbie Gordon,Michael Waltrip( the lucky winner of Robbie's helmet :lol:) ,and Kasey were all penalized points and or $$$$.As for Donny,if he did what the reporter states then he should be penalized otherwise,as Hollywood so aptly stated,he was penalized for his "on track" antics.

11-05-2005, 09:35 AM
I posted this because I thought it was funny, and I wanted to see what others here would think of this behavior.

For me I think it points to one of the major problems with motorsports in general. And I am about to make a very broad and general statement, one that I am sure many will have examples to prove me wrong, but one that I think is still valid.

The incident in this article, and the other "issues" that Lia has had in the past, hint towards the "poor little rich kid" syndrome. Where a kid gets top shelf equipment, has no real experience, and while fast and showing some real talent, hasn't really learned how to behave. Partly from not being "on the job" long enough or spending enough time in a support division, but also from having parents who have enabled this inflated level of self importance. Much like Fairuza Balk from Willy Wonka ("I want it NOW!!!"). People like this are a dime a dozen in motorsports. While you will occasionally see a Martin Truex come from these ranks, you will more often see a Shane Hmeil.

I think this article points to that type of mind set. Lia is not the worst offender in this area. Shane Hmeil currently wears that crown, but I am sure that this type of behavior is not going to help Lia advance his carer in racing.

This is where someone can point out that racing costs money, and that is why this happens. Or the marketing is why this happens, or some other reason. For me however, it makes one of the major complaints of the main stream sports media valid. Almost anyone can "buy" a certain level of talent in our "sport", and that is ultimately something that brings our sport down.

Jeff T
11-05-2005, 11:26 AM
As for the article, I feel it is personal agenda/observations by the writer. If everything he says happened is true, then Lia needs to take a look at himself and where he choses to be in the coming years in this sport. If he acts like a spoiled brat, he'll never move any further than he is unless it is with his own money.
As for my personal experience with Mr. Lia, I approuched him this past summer to ask him a simple question (about his family car business) and he could not have been any nastier or arrogant in his response. For me, being a person who was meeting hm for the first time, I was very disgusted with his reaction. If he treats everyone he meets with the type of bad attitude that I personally received, I pity him. He doesn't realize or appreciate that he is in a position that many, many others would kill to be in.

11-05-2005, 11:56 AM
Jeff I know you are one of the nicer people in the pits, and generally hold an intelligent conversation. It could've just been a bad day for him. That being said Donny Lia, is not an outgoing personality, at first. He's one of those guys that needs some warming up. I have know Donny since his Legends days. I was his spotter when he first got into a Modified. Donny has definately had some lapses in judgement. I actually stopped working with him because of the "spoiled rich kid deal" in his defense, Donny has matured amazingly. We were at Waterford in 2001 and had a problem. He actually was grabbed by Tommy Baldwin and pulled aside and TB lectured him, constructivley about his behavior. Since that day I think Donny has grown up quite a bit, with a few minor set backs. It's not any easy deal, do you think btgoss is the only one that has that opinion of this kid??? Everyone who has something against him always takes the easy way out, with the"Daddy's Money" quotes. Be a parent for a second. If you had an extremely successful business, which you built, wouldn't you support your children in whatever they wanted to do??? I know if I had that, I would. We need to stop blaming the kid for his Father's business success. We can blame him for being stupid and making poor decisions, but why put the money tag on it??? I think Donny will get to the next level, he has that much talent. Hell, 44 cars at the NSS and he's on the pole. As I stated earlier in the post, I still have'nt spoken to anyone else who witnessed this tirade in the pits. I think you just need to give the kid a chance to get over a very frustating season, which had VERY high expectations.

11-05-2005, 04:04 PM
Hollywood you are 100% correct in saying that his parents are just as much to blame as he is, if he is really like that, (although based on what you have said , it seems he at least WAS that way.)
After reading my post now I should have made it very clear, that this was my impression of his actions, as I have never actually met him. I was making comments only on the things I have heard, and my past experience with other people in a similar situation like him.

That being said, I really do feel it will hold him back, unless he gets that golden ticket that a Martin Truex got, or wakes up and takes more of a Carl Edwards path, but on the other hand, at 24, he is almost past his prime as the "next big thing"...by about 10 years.... remember there a kids out there how are younger with parents who are richer...watch Speed this winter when they show the Summer Legends and Bandalero series from Charlotte...it's a bunch of rich and connected 12-14 year olds, who hope out of a Bandalero and talk about getting a start in a Busch car for next year... and are 100% serious.

Again, this is my opinion, but I think being sort of in this same mind set for a time hurt Mike Ewanitsko's chances of making the move south years ago.

Old Man
11-05-2005, 05:19 PM
Did someone say JR :lol:

Jeff T
11-06-2005, 04:29 PM
I hear what you're saying, Hollywood. I really don't care if he's got a million or a dime, but I do care about how people who have the talent to go places throw it away due to bad attitudes. Very few have the talent to make to the upper levels of this sport. It should not be wasted because you can't handle the PR end of the business. Whether he was having a bad day when I met him or not, the impression I was left with was not a good one. Sometimes in the interest of good PR, you need to treat every person you deal with, even on a casual basis, with respect at the very least. You can never tell if he or she is the one holding your golden ticket.
Hopefully with the off season upon us, it will give him time to reflect of certain incidents and give him some insight as to what not to do next season. As for the accusations by the Courant writer, like I said before, it sounds like a personal vendetta or hidden agenda against Mr. Lia. If it did happen, then it needs to be corrected. If it is hearsay by one individual, then it should be disreguarded as sour grapes. Talent may get you recognized, but the whole package is what sells in NASCAR. If you can't sell the product for the sponsor, it doesn't matter how good of a driver you are. We've seen a couple of our own miss out on opportunities due to these PR problems,and I would not like to see another one slip through the cracks for the same reason.

*rAcIn CuTiE*
11-10-2005, 06:58 PM
Just to let everyone know, the writer of this article was fired this past week due to not presenting the facts and his personal vendetta against Donny. Let’s hope they will find a new reporter that will be able to report the facts!

chrome horn
11-10-2005, 07:12 PM
It must have been in the last 3 days because Shawn covered the Waterford Final for the courant

*rAcIn CuTiE*
11-10-2005, 07:17 PM
It happen today to my understanding...

11-16-2005, 03:03 PM
funny but i saw at least one article that was after he was supposedly "fired"

11-20-2005, 07:24 PM
Just to keep this ball rolling... well because Donny Lia crashed me during a Jam Sim race one night and I am still bitter....

Here is another article that mentions the less then "polished" nature of young Mr. Lia.


Sign up for Google alerts, you give Google the search criterion, and Google sends you a list of web stes/articles. My search is for Whelen Modifieds, but it has been alot of Donny Lia articles, both good and bad...

11-20-2005, 10:08 PM
thats pretty PATHETIC if your doing all of this just to get back at him for crashing you in an ONLINE race! ITS ONLINE BUDDY IT DOESNT COST YOU ANY MONEY SO GET OVER IT.

11-21-2005, 09:55 AM
I should have use the <sarcasm> tags around my comment about online racing.
I was really not being serious at all. I have nothing against Donny Lia, seriously.