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11-28-2005, 08:30 PM
Just wondering if there will be anyone new joining the ranks of the Grand Enduros for the 2006 season. Any of you existing Grand drivers out there plan on building a new car?
Don't forget to call the track and register for your #.
Happy Holidays to all.
Greg Z #12

11-29-2005, 08:39 PM
Greg that date is December 1st for the numbers right?

Rich Johnson
11-29-2005, 10:46 PM
Bill Denniston said Dec. 1st...Cindy called the office and was told current numbers would be held for now...So don't worry about someone stealing your number (unless his name would be Kevin Harvick)


11-30-2005, 10:40 AM
HAHA, yea i did steal the RCR font, I actually dont like Kevin that much. I did for a while, but Im not into the cocky driver deal. Im just glad I will get my number back, I really didn't want to have to re-number the car.

Thanks Rich, you may be hearing from me soon. :wave:


11-30-2005, 05:00 PM
HAHA, yea i did steal the RCR font

Who stole the RCR font? :p :wave:

12-01-2005, 12:06 AM
Oh Gregg are you stalkin me again? :lol: :wave:

You know your the best vinyl guy around !!! LOL

12-01-2005, 06:36 PM
If you guys are smart you will take your cars to mountain and run the thriller series. better pay down the line,more racing,less crashn on purpose,less get yeald at by your favorite officals like your just a dog or less.tires last longer and are cheaper a

nd you dont have to just buy them there?????????????

12-01-2005, 07:35 PM
Don't forget $100 in gas and tolls or the 6 hour round trip from long island.

12-01-2005, 10:44 PM
The cars are similar, but not the same. There are changes that need to be made, before going to Mountain. Im looking to run there but Riverhead is the place for me right now.

12-02-2005, 09:33 AM
I won't argue the gas and tolls. However if you are going racing, $100.00 shouldn't be an issue really. The pay is better there and they don't allow alot of other stuff that goes on elsewhere. The cars are really not that different. They are happy to work with you the 1st few weeks you run there. :applause: :wave:

Bobby Pease
12-03-2005, 06:28 PM

Who in the grand enduros, crashes on purpose?

And what does it mean "IF YOU GUYS ARE SMART"?

thanks for your time....


12-03-2005, 06:50 PM
It ain't easy having only one game in town, hehe................. :help:
It doesn't hurt to vist once and awhile, even I make an appearance at RH a couple of times a year......................... :eek:
Thanks to the "Peaseman", I even have a enduro home away from home..................... :cool:
If ya come to mountain come over and say "hey".................... ;)
UNCLE PETEY.................... :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
PS...the drivers at RH always ran me clean................... :lol:

12-03-2005, 11:05 PM
Thanks Bobby- I was also wondering if my intelligence was being attacked.

12-04-2005, 09:55 PM
yea, i wasnt about to say anything but, i guess bobby did. VSMIDGE68 have you ever seen a Grand Enduro race??? Im not to positive you know 100% what you are talkin about here.

12-05-2005, 11:31 AM
I'm not trying to insult anyone or their intelligence. I have scored, sponsored, pitted for and paid for several racecars...grand, 4cyl.6/8 cyl., blunderbusts,chargers, the old bombers, novices.....winning races, championships..Shall I go on? I was there when Riverhead was Friday and Islip was Saturday. Now all I was trying to do was open up a new world of Racing to you boys. Don't hate...appreciate!! :)

12-05-2005, 01:31 PM
I think what happened here was, most of the grand guys are running other places. Along with those that run stock 8, 6, 4, and trux. Most of them run Mountain's Neets division. And the good thing about the Neets division is Billy tries to make sure the schedule does not interfer with Riverheads, so as many guys/gals can run Mountain. There are some that will run Riverhead, go home pack up and run Mountain the next day. The best of both worlds.

We might complain about Riverhead, but for now it is the only game in town. We could end up like the Drag guys that have to go out of town everytime they want to race...that not only gets expensive but takes away from family time. And the family time might just be more important than expense.


12-05-2005, 02:25 PM
;) Thank You as that is a very level headed response. I wasn't trying to put anyone off..just stating some facts :) forgot to mention we drag our kids with us to Mountain. They make it fun for the kids...big wheel races, santa, always something and you are right about Billy B. he makes the place fun...

12-05-2005, 02:58 PM
That's great that you can "drag" your kids. I used to "drag" my kids to Riverhead, but as they got older and their "friends" became very important they didn't want to go with us any longer. And having them come to Mountain, well....besides the fact that I know alot of families that their kids are involved in soccer or boy scouts, etc. So sometimes, mom has to stay home with the kids, while dad goes racing. The beauty of Riverhead is that it's not that far.


12-16-2005, 05:20 PM
Well speaking from both sides of the track, or should I say on the tracks, last year my son ran a full schedule at Mountain speedway in the 4 CYL division and we took our 8 CYL car as much as possible in preparation for the 2006 season (seat time at 16 is important). Riverhead was run as much as possible
in Grands and he and his sisters in enduros, demos, school buses, ETC.,ETC.
We had just as much fun at one place as another and will be back to both this year. It seems to me the ones who complain about Riverhead are the ones who make it that way, halfway thru the season our cars were great, my son learned a lot and met awesome people at both tracks and now our whole family is involved and we have friends abound at both places. I am looking forward to a great season at both tracks. I can truly say I looked forward to bringing my son, daughters and cars to Riverhead for a day at the races and when it's gone, it will be truly realized it was taken for granted. The ride to Riverhead was a dream compared to Mountain :lol: :lol: :lol:
P.S We run all Mountain enduros as well (RACIN RACIN RACIN).

Mr. Busy Bee

12-17-2005, 12:26 AM
I very much appreciate everyone from the surrounding area of Riverhead Raceway coming out and running my track and series. One thing I try not to do is step on other tracks toes and or drivers toes by scheduling my races on the same day as theirs. I closely watch the tracks schedules that my drivers come from, then finalize my own. If more promoters worked together, more tracks would survive...that is one of the secrets to a successful track/series.
It is the ones that try and steal without giving an inch that hurt not only the other tracks, but they themselves in the long run.
It's just simple math. ;)

12-17-2005, 05:38 AM
The family that races together stays together........ :) ( saw that on a bumper sticker) Bee happy :)

12-18-2005, 07:31 PM
Vicki seems to be saying Riverhead is not as fun or as clean racing as tracks out side Riverhead. Vicki was there when I started way back in 1981. She knows what sacrificing means. By the way, hello Vicki and family. ron :wave: :applause: :applause: :drool: :cool: :cool:

12-19-2005, 01:10 PM
Hi Ron and Thank You. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours....... :)

12-19-2005, 06:20 PM
Bah Humbug!!!!!!!

12-20-2005, 05:04 AM
Grinch !!!!!!!!!! :)

12-23-2005, 04:25 PM
What an awesome article in the SUFFOLK LIFE. I think you are on a well needed mission and we are behind you 100%. Keep up the good work and MERRY XMAS to you and the big guy. :wave: :wave: :wave:


12-23-2005, 06:08 PM
Thanks Mrs. B

Merry Christmas to you all too!!!!!


12-23-2005, 08:12 PM
Where can a non-resident outside of the "toll curtain" read a copy of this periodical document.......................... :eek:
UNCLE PETEY...................... :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

12-23-2005, 09:30 PM
Uncle Petey, if it's what I think they're talking about, go to www.suffolklife.com, click on the link on the left that says "Letters to the Editor." Off the top of my head, I want to say Cindy's letter is the third one down on the page when it comes up. Hope that helps...

12-23-2005, 09:48 PM

Here is that article that you wanted to read uncle petey. To view it just click on the link. I am going to go and make my cookies now yummmmmm :) :wave: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL :)

Jenny "BEANS" White

12-24-2005, 01:58 PM
Woot; I like cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-24-2005, 03:01 PM
Thank you Tracy and Mrs. Busy Bee for the directions to Ms. Jr. Johnson's article, a very good editorial, I might add................. :cool:
I have a difficult time with these computers, maybe someday they'll come with a steering wheel, hehe.................. :drool:
UNCLE PETEY............... :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

W. J.
12-24-2005, 07:41 PM
Uncle Petey, you can get a steering wheel attachment for your computer, but you'd probably have a heck of a time passing the "road" test, LOL!!! :lol:

12-25-2005, 09:31 PM

I am starting to think that a certain batch of cookies :drool: :drool: were delivered to the wrong address or eaten in transit by a certain ELF named Woot :mad: I will have to check with Mrs. Busy Bee and get a status report. :confused:

Don't worry, more were made after she sobered up from Petey's recipe :lol: :lol: and the liquor stores were closed :wave: :wave:

Mr. Busy Bee Happy Holidays

12-26-2005, 10:34 AM
Thanks Jim I'll check his house.

Bobby Pease
12-26-2005, 11:02 AM
I will have to say...
If you put a steering wheel on Uncle Petey's Computer, He will find a way to get DQ'd.......LOL.......hey, I'm among the DQees, so I can say that!
Happy Holidays!!
Bobby Pease
Great Job on the article Cindy! :wave:

01-12-2006, 09:39 PM
did someone say DQ ??? lol. whats up bobby