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03-12-2006, 11:06 PM
Just a little pre-race fun….

Who- Are you (don’t really have to answer if you prefer to remain ‘anonymous)?
What- was the first car/truck you raced & how did you finish?
Where- was your first race?
When- well, when was it?
Why- what made you decide to race in the first place?

03-13-2006, 07:53 AM
Tim Keenan from Trenton, NJ
1974 Olds Cutlass (tank) Finished 19th out of 53 cars attempting to make the field.
1996 I think it was May
Wall Speedway
My Father was pit crew member for Frankie Schneider. Grandmother used to write for AARN (Fifi was her pen name), as well as raced a few powder puff derbies. I have a picture of me still in the hospital, surrounded by Frankie Schneider fan club stuff, along with my membership card. Just wish I would have started earlier in life.

03-13-2006, 02:46 PM
Steven Sapp from New Castle, Delaware

1992 Ford Escort Lx, Finished 21st out of 75 started 70th

My first race was the Frankenduro in 2005, but I only did 2 laps. But my "first full race" was the 2005 "Mutha" of all Enduro at Moutain

Big race fan and for the past 5 or 6 years, I was thinking about getting a car for Bridgeport or Wall Stadium for the 4 cyl class, but never really had the money or knowledge of what to do. Then I saw this Headline on Long Island Jam website that said there was a 96 car Enduro. So I read into and saw it was a track in Pa. not to far away. So I read the rules and thought that's too easy to not do it. So I went and bought a car from a junk yard with no title for $400, stripped it down, painted it, and threw in a window net, some bars and a racing harness inside, a number or the outside, and three weeks later, put it on a trailer and dragged it up to Mountain Speedway and started racing.

03-13-2006, 08:48 PM
Who am I? This is a trick question isn't it? Ha-ha. Amanda..aka BLING

What was the first car/truck I raced? Well I am a spectator, I think it's wise that I keep my tushy in the stands.

Where was the first race? I first saw a race at Mountain Speedway, back then, of course, it was known as Evergreen.

When? 1988, can you believe I was only 7 at the time, exciting huh!

Why? Friends of the family used to attend the track each weekend. One weekend we (my family and I) ended up checking it out to see what it was like. Needless to say, almost 18 years later, I still can be found cruising amongst the stands.

Phil Levering
03-14-2006, 11:22 PM
My response

Phil Levering # 39

1968 Olds Delmont 88

Big Diamonds Slide for five ( wet dirt track bald tires)

1985 ( 1986 for enduros Trailway Speedway )

Is there something other than racing ?

PS I have over 17,000 laps of enduro racing

03-15-2006, 12:25 AM
Who- BillyB, Co-Promoter Mountain Speedway/ Promoter NEETS/ Owner BRE
What- My first junk (I mean car) was a 73 Monte Carlo I bought from another driver- Street Stock (similar to our Thrillers of today). I built all my own cars from then on.
Where- Moc-A-Tek Speedway, Lakeville, Pa.
When- Mid 80s- Started last (12th) in my first heat...finished 3rd. Started my feature race in the back...finished 4th. "I was hooked".
Why- Been going to the races (every week) since I was 11 yrs old. I promised myself I would try racing when I could afford it. I owned a body shop at the time and said...it's time, I did it, and have done it until it wasn't fun anymore, but I still won a bunch of races at different tracks, always top 5 in points and Championships to keep as memories. I would still crawl in any type of car now (if coaxed, hehe). I could not imagine being involved with anything else...the people are awesome. :wave:

03-15-2006, 05:29 PM
Who- Kerry Boehm
What- 1986 Ford EXP Sport Coupe. I bought it in the fall of 98 for a winter beater. It broke down 4 times in almost as many months and the last time the wiring harness went up in smoke, so that was it, I parked it. I was just waiting for my brother to pick it up and scrap it. Then I heard MVS was starting a small car enduro..... First time I raced, I think the only cars I beat were the ones who were sitting on the infield. They had another one the next week and I held the lead for a few laps and finished 3rd. Been hooked ever since.
Where- Mahoning Valley Speedway
When- July 1999
Why- When I was 5, at first I wanted to be a garbage man, but then I realized getting to ride around on the back of a garbage truck wasn't all that it's cracked up to be. After numerous other career choices (super hero, cowboy, doctor, etc.), I decided I wanted to be a race car driver, like Speed Racer, and I finally got my chance to do that.

03-15-2006, 07:29 PM
WHO--- Bob "Maddawg" Wink
What--- 1966 Plymouth Fury III
Where--- Dorney Park Speedway
When--- 1986 finished 5th, kept running demo's for a few years, then my son Eric was born. I decided to hang up the ol' helmet. Then in '95 I heard about these junk car races at Pagoda. Built a car and went out and won my heat race, went to feature and got creamed by buddy Schultzie (what are friends for !! LOL) but I was hooked again. Then in '99, I heard about MVS, and their enduro's. I had a '78 Nova I was gonna use for Pagoda, but went and watched at MVS. Awesome!!!!!!! Built the Nova and raced it the next enduro, didn't finish all that well, but I knew this was IT!!!!!! I've been Hooked on Enduro's since. And Will Always Be !!!!! :p
Why---- when I was growing up, my parents ran demo derbies (#417) and also owned a late model at Grandview Speedway . I always told them I wanted to drive a race car someday. Unfortunately it wasn't theirs, but MY Childhood dream did come true. I drive racecars !!!!!! enduro cars, thrillers, and maybe some day a latemodel !!!!!!!! YEAH BABY !!!!!!!! Maddawg417

03-15-2006, 08:25 PM
who-Aaron Miller #78
what-a 1986 Olds Cutlass
where-Mountain Speedway
when-May 30, 2005 and the Memorial Day race, I finished 34th out of 72. That car was my 7 cyl wonder and then she blew up.
why-I've wanted to race full size cars since I was 5, and I'm 17, so I'm just living a dream out there.

03-16-2006, 11:08 AM
who: Ron Pierson, #519
what: 1988 Olds Cutlass Supreme (the 6-cyl FWD kind, not the good kind :lol: ), finished 25th of 75 even though I crashed out late
where: Mountain Speedway, the only place I've ever raced!
when: Oct 30, 2004 (Frankenduro)
why: (short answer) always wanted to since I was a little kid, but never seriously thought it would happen, but then fate and a chain of events changed everything...

why: (long answer) It all started with Patti Pruitt's fiery wreck at Tioga (in 2003 I think?). I was a spectator for that, and they announced they would provide updates on raceny.com, which is how I became aware of raceny.com. Through raceny.com, I learned of Beaters w/ Heaters and watched the online video clips of it -- what a riot! I also learned about the first Firecracker Smacker that was coming up, so we decided to go watch that -- another riot! At the same time, some personal disasters that I'll just call Life's Little Challenges had completely changed my view of things (you could call it a mid-life crisis, I guess). At the Smacker, we got looking at the cars and I realized that this was as close to something I could do as any racing would ever get. So I looked into it further, checking out the rules from the website, and exchanged email with Billy for some clarifications. I still didn't know if I'd be able to meet the rules, but I decided to give it a try. The rest, as they say, is history (and so is the Oldsmobile :lol: ).

03-16-2006, 01:27 PM
Who- Kayla Kovach from Lost Creek, PA
What- 1987 Honda Accord, started 41st, finished 36th
Where- Mountain Speedway
When- October 28, Frankenduro 05
Why- My best friends TJ Kapish and Mke Rancho were racing in the trucks. My family and I went up to go watch them during a practice run. They asked me to go in with them and I did. Ever since then, I have been hooked on it from them! I wouldnt stop for anything, because I've met a lot of nice people there!

lefty turner
03-16-2006, 09:31 PM
Who- Are you (don’t really have to answer if you prefer to remain ‘anonymous)? Rob Keller Shippensburg, PA

What- was the first car/truck you raced & how did you finish? 68 Impala Street Stock. I started 21st (dead last) finished 9th, and never passed a car under green flag racing! I got out and thought once I figure this out it's gonna be easy......yeah, right!

Where- was your first race? Silver Spring Speedway (RIP)

When- well, when was it? mid 80's (I'm getting too old to remember exactly!)

Why- what made you decide to race in the first place? My dad used to drive in the late 60's and early 70's, so I was hooked early. He passed away when I was 17, so we never got the chance to race together. But, I always try to remember him every time I go to the track. April 1st will be my first NEETS event.

03-17-2006, 02:56 AM
who: Matt Chambers

I race because chicks dig it!!!

I am the the first "first stater" of NEETS!!!

I finished 11th in my first NEETS show- haven't done too well recently (this pavement thing is tricky!!!)
I ran my first race of many at the half mile of clay at Delaware Int. Speedway in an '87 Cutlass Salon. I ran an '85 Dodge Diplomat that I made my first start with NEETS 3 years ago.

03-17-2006, 05:43 PM
Who?--Mike Chambers (not to be confused with little bro above)
What?--1986 Chevy Caprice Station Wagon (SWEET ride!!) Finished 9th out of 50 or so. Haven't enjoyed such success since. (still don't know what the hell I'm doing on pavement)
Where?--Our lovely half mile of slime we affectionatly refer to as Delaware International
When?--Summer of 2000
Why?--Matty and I decided on a dual assault on the highly coveted little trophy you get if you win the slide-for-five. Still love dirt track racing but racing on asphalt is alot cleaner! (my truck's interior thanks me) Anyway I love competing with my brother and we have a lot of fun up yonder there! :applause:

03-17-2006, 06:43 PM
who-Bob Haeger
What- Buick Regal
where - Riverhead Raceway
when - 1999
why - Wow! I would say because when I was young a long long time ago My Dad took me to Islip Speedway and Riverhead Raceway and I thought it was so cool. When I saw my first enduro, I said heck, I can do that. My first race 13 laps and I crashed right into a big pile-up. I was hooked. I got a few trophies since then, but not a first place at Mountain yet!! Good luck to everyone on the 1st. racin! racin! racin! :applause: :wave:

03-18-2006, 12:28 PM
Who- John Saccomandi aka Sac-man or Johnny Sac #6 4cyl :wave:
What & finish, where, when - Demolition Derby, drove a 1976 Dodge Monaco, I finished second in my heat then got my head handed to me on a stick in the feature, this was outside of Pittsburgh PA, the year was 1993; and then 1984 Nissan 200SX finished 3rd in points that season at Bridgeport Speedway NJ the year was 2002.
Why- I loved watching NASCAR, Demolition Derby's, and figure 8 racing on TV with my Dad when I was a small boy. I've always wanted to race it's just the cost that's been prohibitive. I hope you don't mind I've included some pix... :cool: Yes, the passenger door is smashed in to my right shoulder!!! The passenger side seat back ended up between my chest and the steering wheel, I had to throw it out the drivers side window!!! :lol:

03-18-2006, 06:56 PM
Who- Randy Parsons Jr

What- A 1992 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cierra

Where- Mountain Speedway

When- Fire Cracker Smacker on the 3rd of Junkly 05

Why- Watching racing just wasn't enough