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View Full Version : Made a mistake!

05-03-2006, 11:04 PM
I had listed in the press release "The worst of five red flags was thrown on lap thirty-six when Gary Walls (#31) slammed into the rear end of the stalled Chris Siegel machine. Both drivers were uninjured."

It was brought to my attention that is not accurate & I apologize. The car was a #31 (orange VW).

Sorry for any problems it might have caused!

05-03-2006, 11:13 PM
I posted up the correction...I believe it was Dave Bartuski, since he was the only other 4 cyl car numbered 31...

Just in case... Dave, if it wasn't you...send us an email!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: joe@mountainspeedway.com

05-03-2006, 11:18 PM
Thanks Joe!

Just a suggestion...anyone who has a letter after their number might want to make it a little bit larger than 2" :rolleyes:

Like the rules state: "You must have your car numbers on each door and roof minimum 18" high in a contrasting color. 4 inch car numbers ( plainly visible) are to be on the passenger side top of the windshield and the drivers side of the trunk to help in line up purposes"

NJ Chick
05-04-2006, 02:56 PM
I'm glad you pointed that out Geno, because during the races I'm in charge of writing down the car numbers of who comes into the pits. Sometimes it's hard to tell exactly what the number is especially with a letter after it. It can also be hard to tell who it is if the driver's side has gotten smashed up, so the roof number is also very important. I definitely don't want to be penalizing the wrong car by accident, so uniform 4" numbers and letters (or bigger) on the other designated areas would be a great help!

:wave: :cool:

05-04-2006, 05:53 PM
Hey Cindy, I know what you mean by looking at the numbers from up in the tower...but take a look at some of the pics I got... Some racers only put the "X" (or whatever the letter may be) on their rooftops or passenger sides. Meaning that my pics can show two number 31's. Therefore, it would be nice to see a duplicate numbered car's "X" also on the driver side too!!!

In Gary's situation, where he had already left the track, the other number 31 didn't have it's "X" on the driver side...therefore, being on the backstretch, when Geno picks up his binoculars and catches #31 on the side, he jots down the number quickly in his notes (so he can look up the names later for the press release) and moves on to announcing... He may have said the right name at the time, maybe not, but either way I think that an "X" will help out a bit if it's on the driver side too.

Geno? What's your take here?

05-04-2006, 07:05 PM
You nailed it Joe. Looked up & saw a crash. Saw a #31, jotted down the number, cars involved & lap number, then continued on. Wrote the release that night & checked to see who was #31.

Also, like ya said, some have one number on one side & then they go down the backstretch & it's different. Makes things confusing for everyone, I'm sure.

DB Motorsports
05-07-2006, 02:29 PM
My car Number is 31b if anyone is interested. It is a small b, but I believe it is very visable in all 5 locations, but as you should all know, the orange VW is JUNK. I am building another car and I will make sure the b is a little bigger this time. Also, the reason the B on that car was so small was because I ran just the 31 in a couple races in 2005, but when they made the roster for 2006, I was told the 31 was already taken, so at that point I had to add the b and there wasn't that much room.

Dave Jr. (also very visible on the roof)

05-08-2006, 07:40 PM
I saw you made the front page for the ruff ride of the day award. So do you get a trophy for that?

05-08-2006, 10:51 PM
Awww, no problem Dave. I was just trying to make it a point that everyone makes mistakes (most people will admit to them), but with some help from everyone they can be minimized. Wasn't trying to pass the blame on little letters, just makes it more challenging.

Does this mean that everyone with little letters will have HUGE ones now, just to make a point? :lol:

Hey, we'll see ya's all for Rich's memorial!