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05-09-2006, 09:41 PM
What are everyone's thoughts on a 1992 3.8L Mercury Cougar for a 6cyl enduro car?

05-10-2006, 12:26 PM
I would not run anything other than RWD with a stick. But if you can get it cheap, run it.

05-10-2006, 04:57 PM
pitbull it is rear wheel drive. and how is free for a cheap price lol....thanx steve

05-10-2006, 10:36 PM
Sounds good Rob I guess we will see ya memorial day weekend. I'm gonna get the Black Beast out of mothballs and have some fun. Yeh Baby!! :D

05-10-2006, 10:51 PM
I won't be there Memorial Day (vacation) for the butt whooping you lay on everybody with that rocketship of a beast you have. Although I must say that you might have a run for your money with pistol Pete's Supra. Good luck.

05-10-2006, 11:52 PM
IS it carburated or EFI because i have a ford t bird 3.8 carburated and its slow as a dog with 1 leg.

05-11-2006, 12:48 AM
I won't be there Memorial Day (vacation) for the butt whooping you lay on everybody with that rocketship of a beast you have. Although I must say that you might have a run for your money with pistol Pete's Supra. Good luck. Yes I heard that the Supra was fast. I'll have to bring my "A" game with me. Maybe hook up the NOS if I get the chance. lol :lol:

N.Y. racing
05-11-2006, 03:49 AM
So a 98 Stratus would basically be no good for the 6 cyl.??

05-11-2006, 11:30 AM
A small bit of a mention for those who maybe didn't see. Pete's Supra runs well yes, but the thing that got him the win was the line he chose IMHO. He stayed well up outta' the greasy stuff in the low groove and just motored on. Not to take anything away from him or anyone else, just an observation.
Jim, have you done any diagnosis as to why your 3.8 runs poorly??

05-11-2006, 12:38 PM
naa its got 125,000 miles and it just dont have the power it used too.
The car looks wise is great i keep it really clean. the car runs fine just isnt fast and has poor acceleration

p.s word for the wise dont try to tint your windows yourself ttried it last night and almost put my fist through the window because i was so frustated!

W. J.
05-11-2006, 12:54 PM
p.s word for the wise dont try to tint your windows yourself ttried it last night and almost put my fist through the window because i was so frustated!

Yeah, Jim, BROKEN windows are very hard to tint. I just thought I should remind you of that, LOL!!!

05-11-2006, 01:40 PM
So a 98 Stratus would basically be no good for the 6 cyl.?? Same advice I gave Rob. It might not be the best car out there but if you can get it cheap, run it!

05-11-2006, 03:17 PM
I agree with Pitbull because 15 6cyl cars is pathetic.

05-11-2006, 03:52 PM
I agree with Pitbull, because 15 6cyl cars is pathetic. It'll get better. The first race of the year always has a small field. It should get bigger as the season progresses. Plus with the smaller fields, the racing is cleaner, not like the wreckfests that go on in the 4cyl. and 8cyl. Might not be fun for the fans that come to see the carnage, but much more fun for the competiters when you bring your car home in one piece.

05-11-2006, 04:46 PM
Heck, I say if it's free, and you can get it, run it. Heck, I run anything I can get my hands on.