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05-20-2006, 08:31 PM
:mad: So Bonds ties Ruth for second in career home runs.That cheating SOB should have his records stripped along with McGuire for their steriod use. Ban them both!!

Mortgage Guy
05-21-2006, 09:40 AM
I agree 100%.

Teds Race Tours
05-22-2006, 02:57 PM
Baseball has itself is a horrible pickle. We all "know" Bonds used steroids. Baseball needs to wipe the his steroid induced seasons off the record books.

05-23-2006, 06:08 AM
Bonds' accomplishments can be summed up in one word: *. It's a disgrace to see the great name of Babe Ruth side by side with this scum.

05-23-2006, 10:14 AM
Ruth only used Booze, Cigars, and Hookers to be a batting machine :D

But yeah; it's definitely sad to see Bonds in that category. Besides the number of home runs, no one will remember Bonds in another 10 years.

05-25-2006, 07:55 PM
The drivers who juiced their tires before it was illegal. Do they too have an *? :rolleyes:

05-26-2006, 05:27 AM
That's a whole different can of worms. If what you were doing wasn't against the rules when you did it- no harm, no foul. Why do you think Mark McGwire has only admitted to taking Andro, and pled the 5th to Congress on the steroids question? Andro wasn't banned until after he retired. Same principle with the tire softener. I can attest to at least two teams at Riverhead that used it before the powers that be decided to crack down on it, and stopped using it when they were told to.

05-26-2006, 09:50 PM
That's my point, before 2003 there was absolutly no rule in the MLB rule book banning any sort of anabolic steroid. Considering the stuff that Barry "supposedly" took, was all unheard of at the time, it could not have been banned. And I'm sure that since these rules were made in reaction to the Bonds situation, he was tested often. The only problem with Barry is that he won't admit what he did. I think there was a time he would have been forgiven, being that he didn't break any rules, but that time is long past.