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View Full Version : 5/20/06 Kuddos, Thoughts and Vents

05-21-2006, 10:53 AM
1. Congrats to Chris and Team 49! Its good to see good things for good people. Is it jinxful to say 'Potential 2006 Track Champ'? Way to go cuz!

2. The 11x is so darned smooth. Picking his spots Chuck moves up here and there to have one very nice run.

3. Sal! What a difference a year makes. Keep that fine running car in one piece and you're gonna have a whale of a 2006.

4. Justin Bonsignore is certainly driving with more and more confidence and earned one very nice 5th place. Seeing the way he handled JR and Frankie V showed me something.

5. Don't know if the Heagy team is happy with 10th or not, but at least they finished. I was hoping he'd hold on for a top 5 at least, but something happened slowing that car near the end leading up to the big scrum leaving the 5 in the wall.

6. I hope Joey Hartmann is feeling OK this morn. That was one hard smooch into the wall. He seems to have had some of the more painful incidents of the mods in recent years.

7. JR/Wayne You all know I should keep my mouth shut here.

I had a long (and very calm, believe it or not) talk with one of JR's buds and crew members after the race. I came away with the feeling that JR feels that, 1; he 'has the fastest car', and 2; as such 'the other drivers should move out of his way'. Since other often drivers don't, JR gets loses his cool and forces the issue.

This young gentleman told me 'the whole thing started' when the 28 raced the 2 hard making contact at one point and sending the 2 into a no prisoners taken tizzy fit. As such when JR got loose trying to pass Sal in turn 3 and the 15 shot in low ahead of him, racing the 15 down the frontstretch was out of the question. The kid has such driving talent, its such a shame he can't hold his cool and use it throughout.

I could go on and on, but realizing the politics of this place I'd rather hold onto my license.

8. Where are all the cars? 18 to start? We could go down a long list of good men (and Marissa) and the reasons they aren't driving or have taken their cars elsewhere. I guess when you don't feel welcome to race it burns that competitive fire from ya. There's too many $$$'s and and endless hours of free sweat to keep going after a while, when one is told that the reason the track exists is because of the coming circus acts.

Such a pity because I love racing. Too bad I've only 1 tour race to look forward to here.

Anyways......Great going Chris!

Douglas Corwin

05-21-2006, 12:57 PM
JR basically, its time to grow up. Bumper cars was when you were 10 years old. Your eventually going to hurt someone. You made a fool of yourself getting out of your car to go scream at a veteran. Riverhead recieves a bad rap because of drivers like you.

05-21-2006, 03:11 PM
iIwould just like to know how the "veteran" drives jr into the fence and it is his fault? I know they have had problems before that jr was at fault.but how someone can say it is time for jr to grow up is beyond me. I just hope that the "veteran" grows up, so we can see some good hard racing!

05-21-2006, 04:37 PM
Chris not sure if you saw last weeks race when the 2 dumped the 15 twice. Why was JR so mad and went over to Wayne on the track? If you can dish it you better be able to take it.

Wayne got a STANDING O from the fans in turn 2! :applause:

05-21-2006, 05:03 PM
I saw last weeks race and that is why i said "i know they have had problems before that was jr's fault". But this week wayne stuffed him and then a post says jr needs to grow up. He has a temper that hurt his future, however he still is the one person i find the most people watching . He just makes it exciting to watch, i wish there was more drivers that ran the outside! Well like i said before i hope that this week is good racing cause i am tired of seeing demos!

maestri fan 1
05-21-2006, 06:45 PM
Very simple solution to this, JUST LEAVE JR ALONE. Anytime someone else wrecks someone it's never made a big deal, but if JR does it everyone has something to say about it. Leave him alone, there were problems on the track and unless you are a crew member of either team or the drivers themselves there's no room to knock either of them. They raced hard and it got a little outta hand. Thats all no big deal. It's a little thing we call short track racing.

05-21-2006, 07:06 PM
my 2 cents:

1) does this sound like Anderson v. Blewett last year 15 makes a righthander into 5 then 5 just owned him backstretch gave a huge ovation to the 5
2) supposedly JR was going up the the Craftsman Trucks.........guess not just think if JR was gone there would be less wrecks (hmmm......... i wonder why???) i met him in the pits once when i was 11 and all he did was sign a picture, i asked him a question and he just looked at me and walked away that was the day i began to "hate" J.R. Bertuccio

05-21-2006, 07:18 PM
chris061, how can you say Wayne right turned JR into the wall, if that's what you "saw" then you really need to get some help. People have to realize that noone can try to pass JR. Last week Wayne passed JR clean and look what happened. Last night Wayne tried to pass JR again and look what happened.

05-21-2006, 07:34 PM
Maybe JR's trying to make the Long Island hall of shame . He should show the man in the hall of FAME a little respect . Wayne has earned respect , The kid has a long way to go in that department . The shame is that he has talent and a good car , Just got to work on the maturity thing .

05-21-2006, 08:21 PM
The whole getting out of the car like a loose monkey at the zoo was uncalled for. I think he just likes the attention.

05-21-2006, 09:25 PM
Well modfan, i guess myself and all the people sitting around me need help you are the only sane one here. The week before it was jr, this week was wayne whether you believe it or not.But i sure wish it would end so that we could see some good CLEAN racing.

05-21-2006, 10:41 PM
Racing here isnt getting any better... car counts are definately down due to many different situations. If I had a choice, I wouldnt come here anymore because its just not fun anymore like it used to be when I was out in the stands watching. Why cant it be like it was back in the day??? :confused:

05-22-2006, 01:03 AM
The posts bashing jr on this message board grow old and become very offensive.

05-22-2006, 06:02 AM
I agree,

JR is what JR is. Extremely talented, extremely passionate about racing, but unfortunately his passion turns into uncontrolled outbursts, which has always hurt him.

Wayne's a vet who's extremely talented and has had some issues on the track too with folks.

Both drivers are great and talented. Unfortunately on track mishaps happen, and passions boil into road rage. Every driver out there has been in that situation to a degree.

Depending on one's perspective, it's that the "other guy" is the animal.

Please keep it to the situation at hand. Thanks,