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View Full Version : Why doesnt riverehad have A MISS Riverhead Raceway

06-05-2006, 11:38 PM
It seems that every other track i see has some models that come out on the track to take pictures with the winning drivers i just want to know why we dont i feel we are getting the raw end of the deal here lol. Deffinitly should get a miss Riverhead

06-06-2006, 05:28 AM
I nominate Richie G-would look good in a thong :lol: :applause:

Mike Fields
06-06-2006, 06:43 AM
I don't believe that Stafford, Waterford, and Thompson have them. When I was announcing at Mountain, the 'trophy girl' was the promoter's grandaughter. Most short tracks don't have them, unless they need to waste more time between races.

Tower Man
06-06-2006, 12:19 PM
I asked this same question many years ago. Barbara Cromarty told me she feels it is degrading for a woman to wear a bikini and hand out trophies. Islip had one prior to the Cromartys. She was a former Riverhead scorer and that is all I am telling.

06-06-2006, 12:58 PM
That's pretty interesting considering I recall Joyce Cromarty being "Miss Islip", although she was tastefully dressed and all. I might even have a picture of her somewhere.

06-06-2006, 01:13 PM
A note from the female side: If a female wins a race can we have a "trophyman"... :D

06-06-2006, 01:32 PM
Cin-that's why I nominated Richie the photographer-picture that in a bikini :lol:

W. J.
06-06-2006, 01:35 PM
Stop picking on Richie!!!! LOL. :lol:

06-06-2006, 02:45 PM
A note from the female side: If a female wins a race can we have a "trophyman"... :D
Does that mean Bob and Jeff from the booth are not suitable? They handout the hardware weekly regardless of gender.

(puhleeeeaaaassssseee dont take this seriously. I'm just pokin' some fun)

06-06-2006, 07:44 PM
Larry!?!? What the heck are you picturing?!?!
Ok, I may have a solution to unowho243's question.
Meet Jamesmia.

W. J.
06-06-2006, 08:12 PM
Yeah, RGee, that'll do just fine, LOL. :lol:

(Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it....) :drool:

Wheel Racing
06-06-2006, 08:46 PM
Let's just be happy enough that we have Victory lane on the track for now.The Trophy Girl will just add time and then we may lose the whole thing

06-06-2006, 09:06 PM
Especially with that beauty!!!!

NJ Chick
06-06-2006, 09:09 PM
Mike, I'm sorry you feel that the whole 10 seconds it takes for me to have a picture taken with a very happy and excited NEETS winner is a waste of time. :mad:
Just FYI, the current Ms. Mountain was nominated by the drivers, and she isn't even a relative of anyone in management or track employee. :eek:

Cin, I'm with you, what's good for one is good for the other, a trophyman would be very nice...I nominate Ralph Soluri! :applause:

06-06-2006, 10:00 PM
Hahaha nice richie real nice lol :applause:

06-07-2006, 06:36 AM
I agree 100% with the 2 Cindy's. Everyone in the NEETS family gets a "Hi! How ya doing?" and a big smile from Miss NEETS and I know it makes people feel more welcome. It's just another way of showing appreciation to the drivers...........and it only takes a minute on the track. I actually don't know how she does it in the extreme cold and heat. But there she is happy and smiling. :) I nominate photo Joe for the Mr. NEETS, he's always smiling and happy too!

06-07-2006, 08:15 AM
Cindy-I accept the nomination, but I can't figure out how to get this bikini top on.

:confused: :help: :disgusted :eek: :cool: :wave:

Bobby Pease
06-07-2006, 11:26 AM
I Nominate, the one, the Only!!!!!!!!


But, Hes gotta shave the stash!

LOL...sorry Ralph!

Bobby Pease :wave:

06-07-2006, 11:28 AM
Cindy-I accept the nomination, but I can't figure out how to get this bikini top on.

:confused: :help: :disgusted :eek: :cool: :wave:
Ralph, that's because it's the bottom you have!!!!, LOL

NJ Chick
06-07-2006, 02:24 PM
It's the medication that keeps me smiling Vicki.... :lol: I'm just kidding! It's an honor for me to be able to represent such a great group of people and I'm very happy to do it. Thank you for your kind words. I'm sure a Miss Riverhead would be a great asset to your track, but of course, that is up to management.

Ralph, you're the best! You would make a great Mr. Riverhead. :) I'll help you with the bikini top, but as for your "bottom line"...you're on your own! :eek: :applause: :p

06-09-2006, 12:01 PM
I agree that someone should take pictures with the winners and i think it should be the turn 1 Cowboys they deserve it more than anyone. JC

06-09-2006, 12:34 PM

But we can't have the cowboys without the COWGIRLS!

W. J.
06-09-2006, 09:48 PM

But we can't have the cowboys without the COWGIRLS!

Oh yeah?! Go see "Brokeback Mountain", LOL!!!! :lol:

06-09-2006, 11:47 PM
It takes many parts to make a motor run good. The trophy girl is one of those parts I think is very important. Cindy Bott (Ms. NEETS) has been with me since the beginning of my series. She always has a smile and Hello to all our drivers.....she represents our organization wherever she goes to the utmost. She is professional and projects this attitude while representing my series. I don't care if NEETS lasts for another 50 years, she'll be my #1 girl. I will wheelchair her out there to the winners circle if I have to.
As far as bikinis and skimpy clothes go....I have never asked Cindy to do this, nor will I ever. I feel her choice in clothes is always clean cut with a racing style. Drivers are proud to hang these photos of their happy moment anywhere in the house.
Trophy girls are not only a pretty face to take a picture with. They are an intregal part and a great representative of the track/series they are associated with.

Mike Fields
06-10-2006, 01:34 AM
I haven't looked at this thread in a few days or I would have responded sooner.

Cindy, obviously I wasn't talking about you, or I wouldn't have referred to the girl being the promoter's grandaughter. In the 2 or 3 NEETS races running in the afternoon, you don't have the pressing time issues as you do when we're talking about running six weekly divisions at Riverhead Raceway starting at 6:00pm.

Riverhead, especially during early season, has a problem with time management during Victory Lane celebrations. When the features end after dark and the temperatures are dropping like a stone, families bail out enmass after only the 2nd of 6 races. The track can't afford to waste a half hour or more in Victory Lane celebrations after each feature. The people in the stands simply won't stand for it--- especially with all the competition from Saturday night racing on TV.

It's good for the fans that Riverhead officials took matters in hand this season to curtail the length of the celebrations to an average of 5 minutes.

As far as the trophy girl at Mountain, I stated that it was a relative as of the time I worked there in 2004; not now. I'm not saying anything negative against her; I hadn't really talked to her at all other than a 'hi' or 'how ya doing'.

06-10-2006, 10:14 AM
Billy- you definitely hit the nail on the head. Ms. NEETS is a breath of fresh air in this greasy smoke filled world called racing. She really does bring NEETS to a higher level. She represents in such a positive manner.
I personally don't consider Cindy a "trophy girl” To me- she is the "Beautiful NEETS Ambassador".

Hey Cindy- any chance of getting help with the bottoms now? :applause:

06-11-2006, 12:43 PM
hey ralph i thought showed my father the trophy girl last year in the front row.... hahaha :p

W. J.
06-11-2006, 06:59 PM
Guys, let's PLEASE keep the personal messages in the PM mode, not as posts. Thank You!

06-11-2006, 10:08 PM
Cindy does not get enough credit for the things that she does behind the scenes....................... :cool:
For example, always having an ample stash for us tootsie pop junkies, hehe..................... :p
Seriously, Cindy and her faithful sidekick (Dr D) are two of the big reasons NEETS enjoys its well deserved success.................... :applause:
UNCLE PETEY........................ :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
Thanks for the nomination Peaseman................ :eek:
But, I think Ralph's the man........................... ;)
Besides they won't even let me near the winners circle...you know, that DQ thing...................................... :help:

06-12-2006, 10:02 AM
Freddy- She was just auditioning and dad was a judge. :cool:

And No Petey - You are the man!

NJ Chick
06-12-2006, 04:00 PM
I don't believe that Stafford, Waterford, and Thompson have them. When I was announcing at Mountain, the 'trophy girl' was the promoter's grandaughter. Most short tracks don't have them, unless they need to waste more time between races.

Wow! I never intended for this thread to turn into a lovefest for Ms NEETS! :p Ralph you little dog! Laying it on a bit thick there.....I'll have to re-think some more about your bottom, so to speak! I think you and Petey should share the duty as the Dynamic Duo...Petey could be DQ Man and you could be Bikini Dude :-B Seriously though, thank you all for your nice comments, I'm a bit embarrassed to tell the truth!

Mike, I didn't take what you said to be a personal attack on me by any means, but read your last sentence of your first post above. That's an insult not only to the short tracks that do have them but also to the girls themselves, that's why I responded the way I did. Riverhead is not the only track that runs more than 5 divisions on a regular race night and is pressed for time. I have never been to a track that took a half an hour for victory lane for each division, that would be ridiculous. Mountain takes about 5 minutes for each feature winner on a Saturday night, this with an interview of the driver, a pic of him alone, one with his crew/family and yes, one with the trophy girl. Yes, NEETS does only have 2 to 3 races for the entire day, but you haven't been to a NEETS race lately, otherwise you would know that our victory lane is very short as well. As long as the interviewer isn't a windbag and drags it out, there is no reason why Riverhead couldn't do the same. I personally don't care if you have a Miss/Mr Riverhead or not, just don't use time constraints as an excuse to not have one, when the whole process takes 5 minutes. :wave:

06-12-2006, 04:22 PM
All-in-all, a nice debate about the situation...

I agree... Time should NOT be considered a factor... Most of the time used for victory lane is just clearing folks out. Watching Mountain and other tracks with track girls, they get on and off the track in a fast fashion.

Secondly, while many tracks have Miss/Ms./Mrs. and yes, Mr. [Insert Track Names], many do not for their own reasons. Some tracks feel its not for them. That's ok.

It is really tough to have the right person as your Miss/Ms./Mrs. So and So. Having one can result in three things. One is the worst case scenario, where the lady is a tramp, who does not represent the facility or series in a positive fashion. Second is a benign scenario where the lady does not add/nor subtract from the track or series. And third is the best scenario, where you have a girl with class and eye appeal whom is articulate enough to represent the track/series with fans, drivers, and so on.

Just some food for thought...

06-12-2006, 04:34 PM
Well it's very obvious that Mountain has one eye appealing and articulate lady representing them :applause: way to go Cin :D

06-12-2006, 04:44 PM
:applause: Well said!! I do remember a time when they had to cut the Victory lane celebrations short. I'm pretty sure it was due to " Dynamite Dan's" extremely large fan club. :wave: :-B (ok I am dating myself here.) I do think however there should be time and I also think the drivers would appreciate the gesture. I know that while Mountain is doing their celebrations, the next feature is being lined up on the track. Perhaps this will cut down on time. I'm sure there is at least 1 suitable lady who can represent Riverhead Raceway and perhaps raise the tracks' current image. Remember beauty is only skin deep, but ugliness goes to the bone. :rolleyes:

W. J.
06-12-2006, 07:13 PM
Time is not a factor at all. Think about it. One more person in the picture doesn't mean it takes longer to take the picture, especially if it's a photogenic individual who knows what they're doing.
But the fact that this 'person' would have to be compensated for their time, now that's another story. I know, I know, some are volunteers, but some are paid.
Anyhow, just my two cents on the 'time' issue. :)

Mike Fields
06-13-2006, 11:20 AM
OK, first, let's remember what the title of this thread is--- "Why doesnt riverehad have A MISS Riverhead Raceway". That was the standpoint of how I first put my two cents worth in. Riverhead has had a serious time problem of getting their shows put on in a timely manner. At first, they tried to limit the celebrations to 15 minutes a few years ago. That didn't work too well. So now, Bill Denniston is limiting it to 5 minutes. That seems to be working very well.

If any problems arise, then they have a backup plan, which will probably tick off quite a few drivers.

Second, that first post of mine didn't mention the NEETS deal at all. It was reflecting the regular Riverhead and Mountain weekly divisions.

Third, I believe I made my feelings very plain when I did one of the NEETS articles for the defunct Raceway Media Magazine. Cindy, if I recall, I quoted you very extensively--- more than any of the drivers. I believe I told you, Howie, Petey, BillyB, and a few others exactly why I did that.

If you don't recall, give me a call at the number below and I'll be happy to remind you. There's no need to go into it here on the message board.

NJ Chick
06-13-2006, 12:16 PM
Hey Mike, Take a deep breath, adjust your glasses and re-read my last post slowly. No need to get snippy.

06-13-2006, 02:11 PM
I'm not really for it or against it, but if there is no trophy for every winner what would she present??? As for the time factor goes, it would be like having a race sponsor, the announcer introduces them and they say, " on behalf of blah, blah, blah..........congratulations. It really doesn't take up that much time, and Billy D has the pictures being taken so quickly you may be looking at an extra 3 minutes to do this. It's really not that much time if handled correctly. I think it would be fun to do.

Mike Fields
06-13-2006, 05:06 PM
I wasn't being snippy at all.

By the way, not only did I adjust my glasses, I also decided to take the time and clean them as well!

06-13-2006, 08:12 PM
Ok, this is turning into something else than a debate. I think we discussed this issue to the point of no return. Riverhead owners will choose to not have a Miss Riverhead as its against their personal values (and that's perfectly fine, as I understand as I'm sure some of you can too).

It's very difficult to have a right Miss Riverhead or any other track for that matter. When the Miss Riverhead is more than a pretty face and a good representative for the track, then you got yourself a good thing. When Miss Riverhead rivals some street corner "engineers" then you are diminishing the role.

Then of course you always got the debate of a Mr. Riverhead :rolleyes:

That's the final word and thanks Ms. NEETS for your valuable input, as you are a prime example of how a Ms (Insert Series/Track here) is supposed to be. Thanks!