Don't be alarmed if you do not see your names on the Femduro registration list page. The computer I am using does not have the Microsoft Front Page program which I use to update the page and the FTP program used to upload it to the internet.
My old computer is recieving some emails and the other one I am using is not getting the same ones my old one is??? SO...When it comes time to register at the race, I will just ask you to register at that time to be fair to everyone. I would hate to even put one person to the back if they tried to email me and were not successful.
I checked on my new computer today and it is still being built . It will be shipped when completed. IT'S A DELL MAN!!! w/ a centrino shmentrino duo funky 2 processor, so I guess they have to go out, hunt and kill a couple centrinos to fill it up?
I should be back up to speed for the "FRANKENDURO" registrations.