A man was walking through a valley and came upon an Indian. The guy says "How are you doing?" The Indian says, "Good"

Man says "Is that your dog", Indian says "Yes". Man asks, "can he talk?".
"You silly, dog no talk" says the Indian.
Man says to the dog, "Is this your owner? How does he treat you?" The dog replies, "Yes he is and he feeds me good, takes me for walks daily, and even rubs my tummy."

Man say's to the Indian, "Is that your horse?". Indian says, "Yes". "Can he talk?" "You silly, horse no talk" replies the Indian.
Man says to the horse, "Is this your owner? How does he treat you?"
The horse replies, "Yes he is and he treats me great, he gives me hay, rides me through trails, and brushes me everyday"

Man turns to the Indian and says, "Is that your sheep?"
The Indian looks at the sheep, and then back at the guy and says, "Sheep tells big lie!!!"