A special note to anyone who likes to read the local papers... NEETS has had two columns in two different papers recently!

Bill Hahn's "Along Pit Road" Section in the Bucks County Herald features NEETS as the headline with a few details about the series!

Bill's article in the Herald:

There will also be a write-up in BOTH Ernie Saxton's Buck's County Courier Times column and also Ernie's "My Two Cents Worth". These articles are both set to be printed some time this week, but be sure to follow the papers to get a chance to read up shortly!

Ernie's Courier Times columns:

These press releases and articles are a big thing to us little guys! Any help we can get advertising or publicizing the series will always help attract more fans and drivers....plus, do not forget...each and every fan has the potential to be the next driver on the track!

A special thanks goes out to Ernie for both writing up his article as well as helping Bill Hahn make contact with the series! Even though Bill had to experience a rain-out for his first show, he was kind enough to give us some press!

Thank you very much Ernie and Bill! We'll be reading!