Ok, I generally keep my mouth shut but this time I feel the right to speak out. First off it was a great disappointment to see how the "freshman" class was handled. What was the point of running it before 5pm? The class was run like it was a 10 lap/10 min practice session. They weren't even part of the opening drivers meeting.....

Next rant, Heats... With a car count of over 30 cars (including freshman) why didn't they split it into A/B and a feature event?????? Why not run half the TOTAL field between the A and B with top 8 or 10 finishes going in to the final, this would quickly narrow the field out.

Also what makes someone a "freshman"....

Is it someone that's young and fresh out of karting?
Is it someone that's never raced at Riverhead?
Maybe it's someone that has 12+ years of racing experience that took sometime off and is now getting back in......?
How did the officials categorize each individual?

I'll finish off by saying that I ran in the "freshman" class... and finished in the top 5. In no way did I have the winning car for either division but that shouldn't classify someone as a freshman, correct?
Lastly, I had family and friends come to support my team and RIVERHEAD to only miss my race because the show starts at 5pm and not 4-4:30... Oh and lets not forget the sponsors.

Thanks for listening
