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Thread: What have we been up to, you ask?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Question What have we been up to, you ask?

    Here's a little tidbit from another forum....the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners least we have neighbors looking out for our house while it is being rented out to house a "Russian Fight Club"

    Last night (Wednesday Night) at 2227 hrs I heard , from the rearmost room in my house, and over my tv which was rather loud, a jackass screaming and yelling out front in the street. I went out my door to see what's up and there he is standing in the middle of the street having a very loud argument on his cell phone, in a foreign language! Trust me, things like tone and anger transcend language barriers. This guy was livid and pissed.
    I stood there and made my motion detector light come on so he would see me and hopefully move on. He saw me and did not move on. I dialed 911 and reported it. Well they had to transfer me to Bucks 911 from Montco 911 because I live 10 houses off County Line rd and it always goes to the wrong call center. I finally get the right one and the girl takes the info and then asks me, "Is he from the neighborhood?" "Hell, he ain't even from this country. Get somebody out here before he kills someone!".
    I stood in my driveway and maintained eye contact until he decided to mosey toward County Line rd. I waited until 2315hrs and no response from Warminster PD. Donuts must have been really fresh or something last night over at Dunkin Donuts. I went to bed.
    At 0038 hrs all hell broke loose as five Warminster PD vehicles come screaming up the road all lit up and sirens wailing. They turn down Horseshoe lane and stop two doors up from another member here's house. The house they stopped at is behind yet another member here's house on my street. We are a well-armed neighborhood. Perhaps this is why Warminster PD didn't bother to show up.
    This morning, I get a text from one of those two members, half-joking about what a crappy neighborhood this is. A murderer used to live on his street, we had a convicted rapist living on our street, it ain't getting better. In the text he mentions that there was a stabbing on his street last night. That was what all the ruckus was at 0038 this morning. He says the cops are still there.
    I am just pulling out of my driveway as I get the text, so I head over that way to rubberneck a bit. One of Warminster's Defectives (yes I know how to spell detective) is leaning into a marked police car conversing with the donut devourer inside. I ask when they are going to start earning their money. He didn't seem too pleased with my question so he sticks his head into my truck and starts doing his visual search for anything he can use against me. Jerk0##!
    He asks what my problem is. I tell him about calling 911 last night and complain that nobody showed up after I complained about this a-hole screaming and yelling, in A FOREIGN LANGUAGE in the middle of the street. Here is where it gets good boys and girls: He informs me, "We showed up and we gave him a ride home". Ok.
    Back to the stabbing. The house where this happened is owned by a couple who used to live in it, but now live in another house in Warminster, and they rent this one out. Their newest tenets are a construction crew working in the area. These guys mostly sit on the back porch and get drunk every night and argue/throw things at each other. Oh, did I mention they are all RUSSIANS and only one or two speak any English at all?
    One has got to wonder, what address did the Warminster PD drop their passenger off at when they got through playing cabbie last night?

    Funny side note: We have a member here who thinks it was funny to notify the homeowners ( it's the wife's birthday today too) that there was a stabbing in their rental unit. How did he notify them? On FACEBOOK!!! Bwahahahaha Petey, you crack me up dude!!!

    UPDATE: at 0730 this morning there was a report of a Russian male running behind houses and looking in windows in the neighborhood. Warminster PD came out, but could not locate the individual. The residents of the troubled house all said he was kicked out of the house this morning. He's probably just wandering around waiting to interview potential new roomies, huh?

    So, yeah.....we've been quite busy with this fun little incident....and no, they didn't mean "UNCLE PETEY"!!!
    ________Joe the Photo Guy
    Webmaster_____________Cell#: 267-767-4923
    Photographer ___________Nextel: 168*153450*1

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    You should have known something was wrong when they brought a bottle of vodka to the signing of the rental agreement.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    ur castle!

    Your in Pa. Just shoot em. Lol Then quote the new "Stand your ground Law"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Maybe your old neighbors will pool there $ together and buy your old house so they can evict the Russians. Just for some peace and quiet. phil

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