Most of you probably know that Mac Brothers Racing/Bott Racing helped sponsor the Checkered Dreams event at the NEETS Nascare race. I spoke with Sue Ziegler Friday night at the regular Mountain race and found out that due partially to the success/happiness of the children from last week that there is now a WAITING LIST of kids for future events. She informed me of just what is needed for these events to be a success. The list is endless and includes things such as food, drinks, desserts, shirts, passes, helmets, blankets, etc, etc, etc.

Sue and the Checkered Dreams committee can only do so much asking and begging. Let me tell you all something, if nothing else...........KAYLA'S SMILE made the little bit that Mac Brothers' Racing did completely worth it. After we gave Kayla a few little gifts and a ride in the M&M car she was thrilled just to be there and some how managed to make it back to the track for the regular show on Friday night. Imagine that!!!!!!! A family that was never to the track before came twice in one week because they had such a terrific time. Please do not get me wrong, I am not in the least bragging about what we did, but merely trying to convince others to do the same. Like I said earlier in this post, there is now a waiting list of kids who want to attend a Checkered Dreams event. There is absolutely no reason why ANY of these kids should be turned away. Even if you cannot for some reason attend the event, the gifts/contributions can be passed on thru a different team. Barbush Racing donated a blanket for Aaron (the other child from this past event) and was not able to attend and yet managed to get it there. I'm not trying to sound pushy, neither is Sue and the rest of the Checkered Dreams committee, but these kids need us. Believe me, NOTHING compares to the look in Kayla's eyes when she is down at the track.

Marissa 2AM
Mac Brothers Racing