If anyone is interested in helping out with the NEETS News in anyway, please let me know. The latest edition of the news is almost complete (will be out this weekend), but any help on future issues would really be appreciated!

When the Newsletter was born (3 years ago), it was mainly meant for the drivers. Now, it is geared more toward the fans (now in a track program-type format). LOL, Three years ago we didn’t have many fans, so it was geared toward the drivers.

There’s many things I wanted to do with it this year, but to be totally honest, just don’t have any time. Not trying to get out of working on it, but getting some new people and ideas involved would be a definite plus!

Knowledge of Microsoft Publisher is a plus, but not necessary. It would be nice to get a few writers to write some short articles about some of the NEETS drivers, the organization’s sponsors, upcoming events, etc etc. The ultimate plan is to create a driver roster w/a pic and personal info about each driver.

Anyone who would like to help out can email me at gjtost@verizon.net
Before anyone asks, there is no pay. The newsletter is all volunteer work.
