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Thread: Sleep Deprevation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Question Sleep Deprevation

    A lot of people cam up to me at the banquet and said, "Joe you look stressed out." Here's why:

    WEDNESDAY: I got my last full nights sleep
    THURSDAY: went to work at 8PM, nobody was there, so I left at 10PM to go to Billy's house...110 miles away.
    11pm - on the road
    12mid - I pass the exit for the track...snow starts
    1am - Billy calls me to see where I am...sliding sideways down his street of course, "Oh, is it snowing yet Joe?" ha ha ha
    2am - hanging out with Billy talking about Friday...
    4am - finally get to sleep
    FRIDAY: (3hours of sleep)
    7am - wake up and shovel snow with Mama Neets
    8am-4pm - running around with Billy for banquet supplies and trophies and such...playing online during the dead times
    5pm - dinner and then getting my pictures organized
    8pm - the fun begins...
    - the family, and me of course, start playing 'Karaoke Revolution Party' for PS2
    - after about two rounds of competition... "Joe the phot" (limited spacing) is created...and is given Britney Spears songs
    - that damned costume... so I sung the BS songs in the highest pitched voice I could possibly make.......Erin filmed it of course.
    - I get boo'd off the stage while singing 'Toxic' even the game couldn't take anymore!
    1am - Billy's son Mark finally shows up and starts his which that time my voice was too hoarse to keep going....
    3am - Billy falls asleep...hehehe
    4am - some people leave and the party starts dying out...
    5am - Erin is up for work and late! ...more people start falling asleep, hehehe
    5:30am - Beth is up for work
    6am - Pattie and I go to McDonald's for Bfast
    7am - Mama Neets is up!...and so am I...
    SATURDAY: (no sleep yet)
    8am - Billy get's up and we start the day off...
    9am - we wake Mark up again......telling him its 11:30!
    10am - we head out
    11am - check in at Ramada and start setting up for tonight

    fast forward - you know what happens here

    12mid - banquet ends, party at Genetti's!!!!
    2am - bar closes...Billy goes back to the room...good idea! but I didn't go
    3am - Denny's !!!!!!! Yay!
    3:03am - I start my nodding off...get the name 'Prophylactic Poster Boy'...and wake up to stares and laughter...and some really wierd f8ck with this stupid a22 laugh that kept even me awake...
    5am - make it back to the room, change and crawl under sheets
    5am and 22seconds - out cold

    (SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!..only a few hours)

    8am - Billy tries to wake me...HA
    10am - I'm up...with only 5 hours of sleep

    I got back home around noon, ate dinner at 2pm and crashed till night time!

    Gotta love the NEETS parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Between Wednesday and Sunday, I only got 8 hours of sleep.
    ________Joe the Photo Guy
    Webmaster_____________Cell#: 267-767-4923
    Photographer ___________Nextel: 168*153450*1

  2. #2
    Darn Joe, and I was thinking of dropping by around 1:30 too because I was in that part of town.

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