Welcome aboard Mr. Busy Bee!

Busy Bee Racing has just signed up as our very first sponsor for the GranDuro!!!

Please click on the busy bee logo on the main page...or here

Busy Bee Racing will be the proud sponsor of the trophies!

And you all know what thay means...we are now accepting sponsorships for this event!!! Please don't use the 2008 sponsorship page as a 'price' guideline...we want to get as many sponsors on board so we can make this event HUGE!!! I am willing to work out any deal possible...you want your company's name out there, then please call me and we will work out the bugs...can't you see that Busy Bee already did?

And as a little more incentive....the more sponsors we have for this event...the bigger the purse will be!!!! More info regarding the purse will be up soon!