Congrats to both Mike Malone and Greg DiCanio on having good runs at Bethel Motor Speedway this weekend. They each won their respective heat races, and started on the front row for the feature. Malone got out front on the initial start, but an early caution put the two back on the front row for the restart. They put on a very impressive side-by-side battle - very hard and very clean - for four laps before they both seemed to bobble a little coming off of two and made some contact. Malone took a wet trip through the infield, and DiCanio slid up the track and got hit in the left rear by another competitor. Both were able to continue. Malone came back through the field to finish second, and DiCanio wound up fourth. Malone was coming on strong at the end of the race, and may have had something to challenge for the lead if he had a few more laps.

Congrats to both Riverhead drivers, and congrats also to Max Zachem on his win.