As you may already be aware, the next NEETS race is tomorrow....the same day as Hurricane Whos-its will be arriving as well....of course....

We will be racing RAIN OR SHINE, so don't hesitate to come on out and play because of a little stormy pooh.....we played in the mud, we'll play in the rain again!

As for line-ups....the order of events will be a little different tomorrow!

First off, Small Cars will run first, followed by the Ladies Race (*), the TRUX and finally the Big Cars.

(*) The ladies were a little frazzled after the last race when most of the cars they were expecting to use did not survive the, since the Ladies drive a little more consciously....we are going to let the mrace first so that IF anything does happen, the guys will have a WHOLE race in between the Ladies Race and te Big Car race to fix up and suit up.

Also changing for this event...I will be stationed PIT-SIDE, instead of being in the tower. I will be calling for the next division to start lining up in the staging are when there are approx. 10 laps left of the current race. When I make the final call for cars and start sending cars onto the speedway, if you are not with the group or where you belong, you will fall to the rear...period. We want the races to run together smoothly, not 20 minutes between each won't be a mad house rush-rush show, but when one race is over and your division is up next, you will be expected to be ready...

Lastly, the rumors are true! We have two more races we will be adding to the Wall Stadium Schedule for 2009! We will go over these dates and details of the events tomorrow at the driver's, if you want to be in the know with everyone else...BE THERE!!!!

See you tomorrow!