Hi guys, well while you were rained out I covered the NASCAR Cup race at Dover. Truthfully, I missed not being about to cover NEETS, but I will return soon. I also did my coverage stuff and was lucky enough to be on the Nationwide Garage roof as Jory did his rolls. I got some good shots of that as well as Joey climbing out.... Check it out at www.motorsportsforum.com and find the "Monster Bites Joey Lagano" article. Looking ofr input from other drivers to do a follow up story, and get some info on safety concerns from those who get strapped in. Thanks.

By the way, Joey who's just 19 said it was the best ride he's ever had, but was concerned when it stopped on the driver's door and sat there for awhile before re-setting itself. That was the only scary moment for him. I believe I would have had been screaming the entire way...... but that's me.