Yea, driving 6+ hrs and spending that amount in fuel compared to spending a little for the NJ upgrades is pretty ridiculous.
Anyway, I received a phone call from the promoter of Wall himself today, and he told me he fully intends on having Enduro races in 2010 and fully intends to work with NEETS in developing a schedule. He did mention that the car counts do need to grow, and understands that will take time, and hopes that a big payout race would attract more cars if a sponsor was found.
It was funny too cause when I was on the phone with him I heard the other phone ring. He asked me to hold, and answered the other line by speaker phone, and I heard Joe's voice. I found it to be pretty weird that at the same time we were talking about NEETS races at Wall, NEETS calls in on the other line. I received a phone call back from Wall about 20 mins later and was told that the conversation went well. As I have said before I think Joes a great person, and we all appreciate all the hard work he puts into it. Jim is a great person as well, and he puts in allot of hard work keeping Wall alive. I can only hope that these two in charge can put together a program that will allow me and everyone else to come back to Wall in 2010 and run some hard core Enduro races. Make the races on Sundays to because I wont be able to make Saturday races as I will be committed to racing somewhere else.
So, in conclusion, everyone needs to do what they can to build the car counts. Make your changes and upgrades and lets go racing. Hey, NES has 4 Enduros on schedule and they do not conflict with Grandviews. NJ tracks want Enduros, and its up to us to bring the show.