Jack, please accept my apologies on the #60 and #77 car wreck that I commented about in my previous post. I just watched the video and it was very clear. I was at the track crewing for the #80 car, and was focused on him during those warm-ups so I did not see what happened to you until I watched the video. Now, some in NEETS know Rob Longo, he is a very good friend of mine. Afterwards him and his crew were very pissed off saying you ran into them and tore up their car pretty bad. I went off of what they told me, and beleived him, but it goes to show ya you cant always beleive everything everyone tells you. Like the last poster said, it did look like you had a pretty bad push right from the begining. Maybe you tried to stay on the gas harder to try and get the rear to swing around, and apparently it swung around too much, all the way around. Simple, normal mistake if you want to call it that. It was also clear to see that the #77 actually ran into you, so their damage can only be blamed on themselves for say hitting a parked car, and being to close. In warm-ups I try to keep my distance from all cars to prevent something like this from happening to me. Sometimes I will get up along side of someone or close behind them, BUT that depends on who the driver is. Its too bad this had to happen in warm-ups. The damage to the #60 really does not look too bad from the photos. One thing is for sure, my vote is for you having the best looking car out there.
Heresay, heresay, heresay, until a video is put out to prove it. I love videographers.