Before anyone jumps on me, like "be lucky for what we have"... etc, the Sizzler is my favorite race and I'll be there tomorrow - and this isn't just the Sizzler but really the car counts for all races - anyone take notice lately? If there's a race out there left on the schedule that USED to get the car count, it was the Sizzler - no more.... 33 slots to fill today, 26 taking time.. check the last 9 years..

2013 - 26 start (nobody going home)
2012 - 28 start (nobody going home)
2011 - 31 start (nobody going home)
2010 - 33 start (nobody going home)
2009 - 33 start (nobody going home)
2008 - 35 start (nobody going home)
2007 - 33, 42 attempted
2006 - 33, 48 attempted
2005 - 33, 43 attempted
2004 - 33, 54 attempted
