Post your picks for May 21st now!

Last week Results (Thanks to Regina Melnic!):
1. Scotty Wolf = 7 points
1. Slice = 7 points
3. Dor 58 Figure 8 = 5 points
3. LennyCosta46 = 5 points
3. xroundguy = 5 points
6. 99racing = 4 points
7. EdBrill51= 3 points
7. Racekitten = 3 points
7. unowho243 = 3 points
10. 44Chargerfan = 2 points
10. bulldozer = 2 points
10. cleanline = 2 points
10. Maestri Fan1 = 3 points
10. Originalpoet = 2 points
10. Racenut = 2 points
10. The Bullfather = 2 points
10. Turbo = 2 points
10. Wheel Racing = 2 points
19. Scunk = 0 points