Rumor has it that the Speed Man is no longer going to run races at the Mountain! Please, please, please say it's true! I like to see big car counts. This past Friday was unbelievable. What - 19 cars? That's a nice field but when you have one car that is 21 feet long has a hood welded on to represent his roof and he is constantly sideways in the turns, you really don't know if he's coming or going!! I hate to see the division loose a driver but he's missing a few lug nuts! He's fun to watch but would the modified drivers, late model guys or the SS class deal, week after week with a car that is really not set up for asphalt racing. You get more bumper - banging action from the cars behind him because everyone is checking up having no idea what his car is about to do. This is all just My2Cents.