Many drivers I have talked to in the last couple weeks told me they did not know about the after race pit party for the "Smacker". It was announced on the forum for over a week prior and in the drivers meeting that day. That tells me if you are not on the weren't paying attention in the drivers meeting.
All things are important in my drivers meetings. Information is the key to doing well in these races. They are for your benefit and safety, not for me to make my usual fool of myself, lol. You will have the knowledge of what to do if a situation arises that I have gone over in a drivers meeting.
Please try to understand everything that is gone over in our little pre-race get together.

Which gives me an idea.......
I am going to work on a deal to secure a few "contingency sponsors" to give away some nice prizes in the drivers meetings. They could be as small as race passes or as big as firesuits/helmets. There will be a prize awarded for each division drawn from the registration list. If you are not at the meeting, I will draw another name.

Any business's out there willing to donate drivers meeting prizes (could be anything) give me a holler I'll make sure your bussiness name gets on the Event info page and announced at the track on race day.