I thought I'd seen it all when I John Denniston hit Lou Maestri's windsheild and get a timeout like a child instead of arrested .....was I mistaken!!! Last week while our teams car was out on the track (# 9 LM ), an official decided to search our trailer and our personal vehicle!!!! Not only did he enter without permission, he opened closed cabinets, coolers, duffle bags, he even had the balls to go into our truck open glove boxes and snoop through the whole truck! When he was confronted about it, he replied " It's my track, I'll go where ever the f... I want." The last time I checked, that's what the tech area was for. All I can think of is all the times I've heard him say short track racing is dying....and he keeps on putting nails in the coffin by chasing away the very people that support it, a few at a time! Sometimes very successful teams, sometimes not so successful teams. Either way, all theire tire money is still green. How deep does this guy have the Cromarty's anyway? Although I don't know them past hello, but they seem like normal people. Think for a second what do most people react like if they catch someone in their car? I know it would be a waste of time to call the Riverhead office or send a letter, at least I've never heard of the Cromartys calling anybody to help solve a problem with an official. At this point, I'd rather not race at all, then race here ...it's close to home, it's a decent little short track, but as long as this guy is here treating the customers this way, it just isn't worth coming out for. He would not get away with this if we all stood up to him at once; just remember, this track doesn't hold the cards, we do. I know it won't happen because we all won't stand together on this or any issue, but what would the track do if we all showed up but didn't practice, or heat race, or run a feature, we just hung out and barbequed and drank all day, how long would they stay in buisness? Together we decide how this fool treats us. Separately ...enough said.