Ok, I know someone who knows someone (on the inside), let's just keep it at that.. I have a few questions regarding the tire situation for the track, some of it involves this division which is why I chose this forum..
I am hearing this, and I am not trying to spread, I am looking for truth.. I hear the new distributor will not be offering tires to buy during the week, (as was an option earlier this Winter).. When will we find out where and when we can buy them? (as well as how much, some teams I know are looking to get their sponsorship dollars in order and have no answers when it comes to the tires)..
Also, as was a major issue with a near distributor earlier this Winter, there is a driver involved. I do not have an issue with that at all. But, this source is telling me MOD tires will be impounded, as was not the case earlier this Winter.. That could be a sticky issue with some..
I don't want to start stuff, just looking to get things cleared up.. The season is coming quickly, and drivers need to know what is going on so they can prepare properly..