I agree on some and disagree on some with that Kevin. I feel time trails should be for special events only. Time trails, although as you say, would give invaders a chance for a good finish, what about your regular running guys who don't quite have it to be a top 5 or 10 car? They would never have a chance at a decent finish if they had to start in the back every week. Handicapping gives these guys a chance at a possible good finish and makes your top running guys show their skills coming through the pack. I know if I drove a car, and wasn't a top 5 - 10 car and had to start at the back all the time, I would just give up....On a similiar note: I do miss heats in ALL divisions. I know all qualify due to low car counts but I tell you what, it may be the only chance for some to get a checkered flag...and that, I am sure means a lot to all drivers...