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Thread: wall??

  1. #46
    Join Date
    May 2009

    That's possible...

    Quote Originally Posted by richardpetey View Post
    At least $1000 to win and a user friendly promoter/track.................
    UNCLE PETEY...................
    With a 45+ car field, I think the $1000. to win could be reachable with a couple of spiff dollars thrown in by the sponsors. I believe the NEETS payout is around $750. for that sized field of cars. I'm sure a few sponsors could be found to throw in the other $250. Sure would be a heck of a better payout than a factory stock win at the local tracks!!!!!

    A BIG issue is to get the word out to all other drivers what the purse is. If they don't know, they won't show up....... and you get low car counts....

    The user friendly promoter/track......... that's a bit tougher problem to solve.....

    Also, with $1000. to win, it would open a whole other can of worms trying to catch the illegal cars that would show up.... I know there were issues this past season..... but that's a topic for another thread....

  2. #47
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Not sure.....

    Quote Originally Posted by WEEZER View Post
    and 4Speed are you kidding about NJ'S safety rules? It's sure as **** why more enduro cars can't race in NJ.
    Because of the economy, enduro racing is more popular then ever, in fact, have you noticed how many drivers in the upper classes have stepped down to the more affordable enduro racing?
    Sorry, I don't buy that excuse about the NJ safety rules keeping cars out of NJ. If you can afford to race enduros, you can afford a couple hundred bucks to upgrade your car (like it was noted further up in the thread) to the required safety rules. If adding a hoop to the car, getting newer dated belts and a couple of sticks of padding brakes the bank for you, then you don't belong racing and specially don't value your body or safety!!!!

    If all these drivers in the upper classes have stepped down to enduro racing, where the heck are they????? I looked at car counts at all the area tracks during the year and the largest field is around 40 cars give or take. Normally it's in the 20 to 30 range. That's not what I would call "popular"....

    Personally, I think the lack of cars is due to the economy, limited finances and lack and availability of affordable cars to convert to an enduro car. Couple that with the promoters treating the enduro racers like "second class" citizens, and you end up with what we have now, weak enduro series at different tracks....

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Unhappy Enduro-Enforcement...................

    The illegal car problem could be kept down to a dull roar if the rules stay simple.................................
    If a car is easier to tech it will make inspections by your officials quicker and more accurate...................
    It also would be great if all the tracks/promoters that ran enduros followed the same set of rules.......................
    UNCLE PETEY.......................

  4. #49
    Join Date
    May 2009

    In a perfect world......

    Quote Originally Posted by richardpetey View Post
    It also would be great if all the tracks/promoters that ran enduros followed the same set of rules.......................
    Gee.... wouldn't that be nice, but then the enduro racers could move around and race in the tri-state area at different tracks and the car counts would go up...... nah, makes too much sense........

    The next thing you'll want is for all the promoters to talk with each other so they don't have conflicting schedules and don't schedule similar events on the same day....... nah, that would make too much sense also, and the car counts would rise at each event........ nope, the promoters wouldn't go for that either......

    They would rather ***** about so and so track had a similar event on "our" day, that's why the attendance was so low....

    .....only in a perfect world..... /sarcasm off

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Hey Rocknroll, if you don't buy the excuse of the NJ safety rules, then why don't you ask all the Long Island guys who just went to Sundance this past week in the SNOW 3 hours away and raced there, why they don't go to wall for that tracks enduro. I'm only guessing but I think 35/40 percent of the fields (4/6/8) were Long Islanders.

    And yes having all track promoters agree on set rules would be an excellent idea, that way, maybe Riverheads grands could run with Walls F/S and agree on non conflicting sheduals.

    I may be wrong but you sound really negative about the whole enduro concept????

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I would not worry about the WALL F/S and riverhead GRAND rules being the same our GRAND rules are pretty close to the neets rules. My GRAND car was originally built for NEETS. The only thing to worry about is the 17" @ 1000 rpm rule and my car is right there and the springs must match side to side also must have DOT street tires. I am not putting mountain down but if the other riverhead drivers that travel to mountain would buy the fireproof underwear and padding they would save money on gas in no time, WALL is an hour and a half closer than mountain from long island. Thats 3 hours round trip and a tank of gas.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    May 2009

    It's YOUR choice, and YOUR body!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by WEEZER View Post
    Hey Rocknroll, if you don't buy the excuse of the NJ safety rules, then why don't you ask all the Long Island guys who just went to Sundance this past week in the SNOW 3 hours away and raced there, why they don't go to wall for that tracks enduro. I'm only guessing but I think 35/40 percent of the fields (4/6/8) were Long Islanders.

    I may be wrong but you sound really negative about the whole enduro concept????
    WEEZER, I just went and read the enduro rules at Riverhead and to be honest with you, I wouldn't race an enduro car at Riverhead based on those rules. They say no cage required and a 4 point cage maximum and the factory shoulder harness is acceptable. That's totally UNSAFE in my book, but that's just me..... I value MY body and feel my body is worth a couple hundred dollars of safety equipment..... call me crazy......

    I also don't get that you NY guys will drive 3 hours one way to race but won't put the NJ safety equipment in your cars. Drive 6 hours to race but not invest in your personal safety, I don't understand that logic, but maybe I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer....

    Once again, it's your body and your choice..... we all have to live (or not) with our decisions

    Also, negative about the enduro concept..... don't think so.... just the opposite actually!!!! We were the only car to make every NEETS race in our division at Wall this year. We supported the NEETS series both at the track and off the track more than any other driver. We did our part to try and help the series grow!!! We turned more laps in the NEETS series at Wall this year than any other driver. I think that makes us pretty POSITIVE about enduro racing.

    I don't recall seeing you at Wall supporting the series in 2009 though.....

    I'm actually very pissed-off that NEETS isn't coming back to Wall this year.

    But, I can't control the actions of the promoters and how they promote their events. We can only show up and race the scheduled events and do what we can to help build awareness. In my opinion, the enduro series at Wall was not given the correct and right amount of promotion this year. That hurt fan attendance and car counts and now we see the fall-out of those results.

    Hopefully the promoters will put their egos aside and come up with a solution so the series can race this year. We will see.........

  8. #53
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    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ray fitzgerald View Post
    I am not putting mountain down but if the other riverhead drivers that travel to mountain would buy the fireproof underwear and padding they would save money on gas in no time, WALL is an hour and a half closer than mountain from long island. Thats 3 hours round trip and a tank of gas.
    That's kinda of what I was thinking, you just said it better.......

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Question Just curious

    What kind of purse does Sundance offer for the Enduro races?

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Wink Purse Strings Attached...............

    They don't pay much at Lapdance, they believe you should compete for the pure joy of enduro racing..............
    They will, on the other hand, relieve you of your purse at the back gate.........................
    They still are one of the few tracks that charge YOU to use your own transponder......................
    UNCLE PETEY............................

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Yea, driving 6+ hrs and spending that amount in fuel compared to spending a little for the NJ upgrades is pretty ridiculous.
    Anyway, I received a phone call from the promoter of Wall himself today, and he told me he fully intends on having Enduro races in 2010 and fully intends to work with NEETS in developing a schedule. He did mention that the car counts do need to grow, and understands that will take time, and hopes that a big payout race would attract more cars if a sponsor was found.
    It was funny too cause when I was on the phone with him I heard the other phone ring. He asked me to hold, and answered the other line by speaker phone, and I heard Joe's voice. I found it to be pretty weird that at the same time we were talking about NEETS races at Wall, NEETS calls in on the other line. I received a phone call back from Wall about 20 mins later and was told that the conversation went well. As I have said before I think Joes a great person, and we all appreciate all the hard work he puts into it. Jim is a great person as well, and he puts in allot of hard work keeping Wall alive. I can only hope that these two in charge can put together a program that will allow me and everyone else to come back to Wall in 2010 and run some hard core Enduro races. Make the races on Sundays to because I wont be able to make Saturday races as I will be committed to racing somewhere else.
    So, in conclusion, everyone needs to do what they can to build the car counts. Make your changes and upgrades and lets go racing. Hey, NES has 4 Enduros on schedule and they do not conflict with Grandviews. NJ tracks want Enduros, and its up to us to bring the show.

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Wink The money a perfect world

    In a perfect world, there would be no questions about upgraded safety dollar figure too high, no safety measure too strict.

    In actuality, this division of racing is supposed to be cheap and affordable. $1,000 of safety equipment is a line (if not already past the line) for how much people want to spend on safety alone. Hence, the old argument, CHEAP DOES NOT EQUAL SAFE.

    In a perfect world, we would offer $1,000 to win minimum...

    In actuality....we kind of already do! In 2005/2006, NEETS offered $1,000 to win with 100 cars on the track. Since the economy tanked, Erin and I have tweaked the purse to make up for things... Nowadays, around 80 cars pays $1,000 to win the race... The purse jumps drastically between 30-45 cars by a few hundred bucks for the 1st place car...then it teeters down to increase at about $100 per 10 cars increments. So, in actuality, we will pay $1,000 if the car counts are there...we paid out $1,400 to the winners at the MUTHA....why wouldn't we do it again?

    In a perfect world, all the enduros at every track would be the same...

    In actuality, each venue has their own intentions with the enduro divisions. When NEETS ran at Mountain Speedway in 2005, a regular weekly division was created out of interest...a 4 cylinder factory stock class. The class showed a consistent 15-20 cars each weekend...low and behold, those 15-20 weekly regulars also became the enduro top runners. The vice is when the speedway double dips. Once you have a division that is either composed of enduros or is generally populated by the enduros, the promoters want/expect those drivers to show up for BOTH, weekly races and the enduros...this is the double dip. The next step is to bump up the weekly division, or the enduro, rules to mimic other weekly divisions...for example, turn an enduro into a weekly factory into a low budget street stock. Make the enduro/factory stock class run on track tires/fuel/etc., raising the costs just enough to make the dedicated drivers become DEDICATED to this division.... Once the enduro car, now a full-blown factory stock on track tires... Now the driver becomes limited to racing ONLY at this one venue since each track has their own set of rules and brand of tires, typically...but not always.

    In MY perfect world, we would run all the enduros under a set of nationally accepted rules...hence, any driver from anywhere can race any track. This would hold true through ALL entry level divisions...FWDs, Factory Stocks, Road Runners, etc... This way, IF someone bumps up to an advanced level, they still have the option to travel and them the required seat time to be a better driver, exposing the driver to new venues and ideas, and most importantly, increasing car counts all over!

    ....So, do NJ safety laws 'scare' drivers away from racing at Wall/IN NJ? I would have to say no. The cost of upgrading something a driver has been using for the past 5 years without failure is a bit of a deterrent, but as it has been said...can you put a price on YOUR safety? Sadly enough, many people can....hence, low-budget racing.
    Last edited by Erin C; 01-06-2010 at 11:05 AM.
    ________Joe the Photo Guy
    Webmaster_____________Cell#: 267-767-4923
    Photographer ___________Nextel: 168*153450*1

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    I haven't enduroed in over twenty years. Back then, big car counts were a given. All someone had to do was basically open the gate and the event almost took care of itself. The other things that took care of themselves were the cars. They were 3800 pound tanks that weren't very fast. Fast forward to now. Suitable car supply is short. I live in an "active" recycling area. Three shedders with in an hours drive. "junk" cars are worth $200 or more if you can find them. My job cut back to four day weeks last year and things aren't any better this year. I still have my old belts, battery boxes, dot helmet and my welder. I'm reasonably sure I am not alone.
    The Riverhead "gut and go" rules seem a little light don't they? I believe that they are the reason for the continued sucess of the enduros at Riverhead. Not agreeing or disagreeing, just stating a point. Make the barrier between sitting on one side of the fence or the other low enough to cross. Speed is addictive. (been an addict for 52 yrs )
    In closing, those who wanna go faster will figure out a way. Or sit still like I have. Safety does not cost, it saves. Just for some it is a hard sell.

  14. #59
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    Art, I got back over the fence at Grandview mid season last year after watching for fifteen years. Come join us when you can. I took a $20,000 pay cut last year but thank goodness my mortgage is paid off so I could go racing with NEETS.

  15. #60
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    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by art11758 View Post
    I haven't enduroed in over twenty years. Those who wanna go faster will figure out a way. Or sit still like I have. Safety does not cost, it saves. Just for some it is a hard sell.
    Art...two things...

    One, You could not have said that better...those who want to go fast will find a way. Sadly enough, there isn't a way to create enough rules to slow Petey down! LOL!!! As for the safety...again, stated perfectly.

    Secondly, 20 years? It's time to come on out and play again!
    ________Joe the Photo Guy
    Webmaster_____________Cell#: 267-767-4923
    Photographer ___________Nextel: 168*153450*1

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