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Thread: Some news...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Lightbulb Some news...

    Just to break up some of the monotony.... I uploaded a winter news break!

    Just a brief review of some new procedures and such for the 2010 season!

    I do want to touch on 3 items here though....since I know they will be discussed anyways!

    1, Driver Profile Sheets....
    New season = new info... Everyone MUST fill out the profile sheets. The info provided is never shared/discussed, but in the case of an emergency...may be what saves your life! If we don't receive the sheets filled out with ALL required info after the 2nd event, we will stop awarding points to the driver.

    By "filled out with ALL required info", I mean ALL info....not just first name car number and division....if that is the case, driver will not qualify for points.

    We ask for car info so that, between races we can research car parts and such to check for legality...if we have no info provided for the car you are racing and we feel that the part in question is will be deemed illegal and you will have to remove the illegal part. If we can research it for the next event and we discover the part is actually will be to your benefit that you can keep using the part....

    2, Tech! Tech this season will be post racing in the infield. The first race top drivers will park their cars in the infield and head into the pits....the second race will take place then the officials will inspect the cars from the first race. Driver + ONE crew member are allowed in the tech area ONLY. After all of the warnings we gave out in 2009, if you are in tech when you don't belong there, you might as well hang around since we are not going to tell you to back up....we're just going to DQ you.

    3, Transponders. I am not happy having to put a system such as this in place, but it is for the best interest of the series. When a driver leaves the speedway without returning a unit to the officials, the series becomes financially responsible for the $600 replacement cost of the unit. So, for 2010, everyone who rents a unit will also provide credit card information and a signature on an authorization page for charging their credit card for transponders not returned. IF you leave the speedway, you will be charged immediately. Again, I don't like doing this, but there were too many scares and actually replacements the series had to incur...

    That is all for now...please take some time to read through the update!

    ________Joe the Photo Guy
    Webmaster_____________Cell#: 267-767-4923
    Photographer ___________Nextel: 168*153450*1

  2. #2
    Hey Joe, can we fill out the Driver Profile sheets on the computer and just email them back to you or Erin?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Why not? Get them done early so you don't have to worry about it later on.
    Erin Cutri
    NEETS Official: Co Promoter
    Cell: 570-878-0769

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    wow u been a busy boy lol , sounds all good to me hopefully my car will be in the infield for the right reasons lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Yeah Critter...only special awards from Lynda's Cluttered Closet for pulling in early!

    Thanks again Cory!
    ________Joe the Photo Guy
    Webmaster_____________Cell#: 267-767-4923
    Photographer ___________Nextel: 168*153450*1

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    what if u dont have credit card then what do u do?
    Aaron"The Thriller"Miller
    redneck rocket racing #78 chevy caprice

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    You can either leave a valid driver's license for the event (would have to happen at each race though) or have someone else put one up for you....such as a parent, sibling or friend....

    We can't play games this season, especially if we hook up with some big named sponsors....if we lose out on the ability to rent transponders, we are going to go ten steps backwards....
    ________Joe the Photo Guy
    Webmaster_____________Cell#: 267-767-4923
    Photographer ___________Nextel: 168*153450*1

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    hmmm lol im hopin to be there at least one race , i want a top 5 this yr with out breakin a tie rod lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Joe, was there a problem with drivers leaving with transponders last year? This is the first I heard of this.
    #128 (small car)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    There was a few won't hear about it unless you are the one that left with it or around when we are calling the name over and over again or asking people if they saw them leave and we start ringing their phones off the hook. We had an instance where a guy from Maine drove off with it and it took 3 weeks to finally get it back. He also left with someone's $1000 helmet! Needless to say we were in a frenzy trying to get in contact with was the worst scare we got. We also had on a few occasions people who LUCKILY lived close to us drive off with one and we were able to get it back that night...
    Erin Cutri
    NEETS Official: Co Promoter
    Cell: 570-878-0769

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