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Thread: Hmiel Suspended for Drugs.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Hmiel Suspended for Drugs.

    It funny how things work out. I hope D.J. calls and lets him know he's thinking about him. What an a$$.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    More than anything, I feel sorry for his father Steve Hmiel. The man has certainly tried to guide him to a successful career, but now that may all be for nothing. Considering this is his second suspension on the same violation, it could spell the end of a career. He has been one, if not the only, who has been granted a second chance after being found in violation of the NASCAR substance abuse rule. Now that too, has gone down the tubes. I wonder if Tim Richmond (who was not guilty after being set up by NASCAR's testing physician, but treated as guilty), and Kevin Grubb had a second chance as Hmiel did, would they have wasted it Hmiel did? I imagine not. Sometimes "Cocky" can be translated into "Stupid" when it comes to issues such as it has for Shane Hmiel. He was already on probation for the Jarrett incident, and was already caught once on the dirty side. A better use of common sense should have prevailed, but unfortunately did not.
    Let's hope that the 2 seats (1 Busch, 1 Craftsman Truck) that have opened up with Hmiel's suspension will be given to a pair of drivers that are both appreciative and in need of a good ride. Let's also hope that the sponsors on the machines Hmiel drove are not giving up on a the sport because of their drivers lack of respect to the fans, the cars owners, the sponsors and to the sanctioning body's rules and regulations by being nailed once again for his own stupidity by being caught for a second time by NASCAR's drug testing policy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I guess we know what's really in "WinFuel" now

    What a shame, "some folks you just can't reach"

    " A Dollar and a Dream"


    Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    What a shame..really for his dad.
    I guess the saying 'don't know what ya got 'til it's gone' applies here.

  5. #5
    Mortgage Guy
    If this guy gets a third chance, I would have a big problem with NASCAR, and I don't care who his dad is...If anyone has Dick Berggren's magazine "Speedway Illustrated" with Carl Edwards on the cover, go to page 24 and read the article on him (Hmiel)...Bones hit it right on the head with his PUNK attitude and now it bit him in the a$$. My one question is who do they put in that car now?? I say Ward Burton....

  6. #6
    Hey why not a third or a fourth or a fifth chance-didn't baseball give that to guys like Steve Howe & Darryl Strawberry? What I cannot fathom is how he got his Nascar license back in the first place? I wholeheartledly agree with Mortgage guy- I sure as hell will have a problem with Nascar if this character is allowed back behind the wheel of anything, including a tricycle. Shane-shame on you, you did your father wrong.

  7. #7
    Also agree with Mortgage guys pick for a replacement
    Last edited by allhailunc; 06-03-2005 at 05:25 AM. Reason: spelling

  8. #8
    Ron Hornaday practiced the car yesterday after Shane was "escorted from the garage". Nothing against Ron, but I too would rather see Ward back....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    It really makes no sense, shows how pitiful he is. If you're ALREADY on suspension & everyone's already watching you like a hawk... WHY would you do any drugs again? Does anyone know what drug he can't seem to keep away from?
    "Strength and honor"

  10. #10

    Angry The Bullfather

    Why do people smoke???? They're addicted! It's sad, we all can say stop, but we're not the ones with the problem. They don't have control, they'll act like they do, but when the craving comes along, if feeds on their minds. I work with youth, and we have a big population of homeless people my church helps out with. I see it all the time, it's the same with alcOholics.
    Peter Milano

  11. #11
    Mortgage Guy
    Well put Bullfather, I just would understand it more from the youth or homeless people, then I do a guy like this who has the world watching him, it's not like "everyone" in NASCAR is doing it...Just him...especially at this stage of his career, probably in the best ride as a DEI affiliate team, addict or not, weigh the consequences before you hit the bong.. Not enough people do that, unfortunately.

  12. #12
    True there, Bullfather, however some of us "alcoholics" not only stop, we beat it. It's all in the power of the will. Sure, the cravings are there, but I know I'd be right back where I left off. Obviously, Hmiel doesn't give 2 chits and craves his "drug" more than his career.

  13. #13
    I agree with Bullfather also. But you have to also think about the fact it is not easy to give up some drugs. They say you take one hit of crack and you are addicted forever. Some people have the want, need, professional help, friends, maturity, and desire to quit.

    Why wasn't he being "p" checked by his team daily to make sure it wasn't happening? When you have the world by the balls, money, fame and everything at the touch of a button you sometimes forget how and why you got where you are and it takes a quite a few tumbles to knock you back down to size.

    I feel sorry for anyone who is an addict because you never know what they were before the addiction and you never know what they could have been without the addiction. I just hope he gets the help that he needs to help make the temptation just a little easier to say no to.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Its not about being addicted to something, He just thinks he's untouchable. I hope this is the last I see of him.
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  15. #15
    A big "Amen" to that Debbie-looking back in some aspects wish it were different. I lost out on a great education because I liked "Count Smirnov" more than I should have (and to one hell of a University too). They say hindsight is better than foresight (sure can attest to that), that's why one should always try to do what they can, if not for those in need, whether it be a friend or even themselves. Sometimes this "race" to fame and fortune gets out of hand for some and the easy way out is to "party hearty". Just a damn shame that this kid will lose out on a lot of possibilities.

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