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Thread: Is it true about Speedo?

  1. #1
    Busted Knuckles

    Is it true about Speedo?

    Rumor has it that the Speed Man is no longer going to run races at the Mountain! Please, please, please say it's true! I like to see big car counts. This past Friday was unbelievable. What - 19 cars? That's a nice field but when you have one car that is 21 feet long has a hood welded on to represent his roof and he is constantly sideways in the turns, you really don't know if he's coming or going!! I hate to see the division loose a driver but he's missing a few lug nuts! He's fun to watch but would the modified drivers, late model guys or the SS class deal, week after week with a car that is really not set up for asphalt racing. You get more bumper - banging action from the cars behind him because everyone is checking up having no idea what his car is about to do. This is all just My2Cents.

  2. #2
    Thats a bummer if he doesn't come back. SPEEDO is awesome, even if he is a little bit crazy.

  3. #3
    Ya know...he is a nut, and still a buddy of mine. But to answer your question, NO, he is not racing with the regular Thrillers anymore. He was dqed for Rough Riding last Friday and as all drivers, thought it was unprecidented. He told me he will still do the NEETS enduros and some special events so we'll still get to see the SS SPEEDO 069 in action at some points.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Wink Couple of fries short of a happy meal.........

    Don't worry! Speedo is like a bad ain't gonna get rid of him that easily, hehe.............................
    Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the track.............HE"S BACK!!!!!!....................
    UNCLE PETEY......................

  5. #5
    To tell a driver that he cant race a race the way he chooses to (and is successful when doing) is this most dissapointing aspect of this situation i believe

    To answer your questions... No, Speedo will not be returning to the thriller class or to mountain speedway and is very dissapointed at the fingers pointed his way.

    Future plans from camp Speedo? Well ill guess you'll just have to wait and see, or visit


  6. #6
    JAGGZ, are you and/or SPEEDO doing the 4cyl derby?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by W. Johnston
    So what you are telling us here is the the rules mean nothing,
    I didnt know taking a turn "dirt track" style or "constantly sideways" was against the rules. But once again thanks for all your support WJ.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Wink Speeding Tickets...

    It isn't that dirt tracking is against the rules per se, it's the re-entry from hanging out in outter space part that is the problem. Slamming into other cars that are just trying desperately to get out of his way as he comes hurtling back to earth is considered rough riding for which there is a rule.
    Speedo is not a vindictive person and I truly believe he is sincere when he apologizes by saying "I didn't mean to get into you" but I saw him drive cleaner in the last NEETS enduro than he has in any of the Thriller races. I know he can do it, and he is a good driver....when he chooses to do so. Other drivers have spoken to him about his "style" in a calm and respectful manner, but it doesn't seem to matter. There are only so many times you can tolerate smashed fenders, doors, flat tires, smooshed radiators, and other things that are more than just "rubbin", before enough is enough. Unfortunately for Speedo, officials had to step in and take action. I wish Speedo well and best of luck in whatever venue he decides to pursue in the future.

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